function mrbSectionInit(ctx){ $('#latest-builds').on('click', '.cancel-build-btn', function(e){ e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).data('request-url'); var buildReqIds = $(this).data('buildrequest-id'); libtoaster.cancelABuild(url, buildReqIds, function () { window.location.reload(); }, null); }); $('#latest-builds').on('click', '.rebuild-btn', function(e){ e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).data('request-url'); var target = $(this).data('target'); libtoaster.startABuild(url, target, function(){ window.location.reload(); }, null); }); // cached version of buildData, so we can determine whether a build has // changed since it was last fetched, and update the DOM appropriately var buildData = {}; // returns the cached version of this build, or {} is there isn't a cached one function getCached(build) { return buildData[] || {}; } // returns true if a build's state changed to "Succeeded", "Failed" // or "Cancelled" from some other value function buildFinished(build) { var cached = getCached(build); return cached.state && cached.state !== build.state && (build.state == 'Succeeded' || build.state == 'Failed' || build.state == 'Cancelled'); } // returns true if the state changed function stateChanged(build) { var cached = getCached(build); return (cached.state !== build.state); } // returns true if the tasks_complete_percentage changed function tasksProgressChanged(build) { var cached = getCached(build); return (cached.tasks_complete_percentage !== build.tasks_complete_percentage); } // returns true if the number of recipes parsed/to parse changed function recipeProgressChanged(build) { var cached = getCached(build); return (cached.recipes_parsed_percentage !== build.recipes_parsed_percentage); } // returns true if the number of repos cloned/to clone changed function cloneProgressChanged(build) { var cached = getCached(build); return (cached.repos_cloned_percentage !== build.repos_cloned_percentage); } function refreshMostRecentBuilds(){ libtoaster.getMostRecentBuilds( libtoaster.ctx.mostRecentBuildsUrl, // success callback function (data) { var build; var tmpl; var container; var selector; var colourClass; var elements; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { build = data[i]; if (buildFinished(build)) { // a build finished: reload the whole page so that the build // shows up in the builds table window.location.reload(); } else if (stateChanged(build)) { // update the whole template build.warnings_pluralise = (build.warnings !== 1 ? 's' : ''); build.errors_pluralise = (build.errors !== 1 ? 's' : ''); tmpl = $.templates("#build-template"); html = $(tmpl.render(build)); selector = '[data-latest-build-result="' + + '"] ' + '[data-role="build-status-container"]'; container = $(selector); // initialize bootstrap tooltips in the new HTML html.find('span.glyphicon-question-sign').tooltip(); container.html(html); } else if (cloneProgressChanged(build)) { // update the clone progress text selector = '#repos-cloned-percentage-' +; $(selector).html(build.repos_cloned_percentage); // update the recipe progress bar selector = '#repos-cloned-percentage-bar-' +; $(selector).width(build.repos_cloned_percentage + '%'); } else if (tasksProgressChanged(build)) { // update the task progress text selector = '#build-pc-done-' +; $(selector).html(build.tasks_complete_percentage); // update the task progress bar selector = '#build-pc-done-bar-' +; $(selector).width(build.tasks_complete_percentage + '%'); } else if (recipeProgressChanged(build)) { // update the recipe progress text selector = '#recipes-parsed-percentage-' +; $(selector).html(build.recipes_parsed_percentage); // update the recipe progress bar selector = '#recipes-parsed-percentage-bar-' +; $(selector).width(build.recipes_parsed_percentage + '%'); } buildData[] = build; } }, // fail callback function (data) { console.error(data); } ); } window.setInterval(refreshMostRecentBuilds, 1500); refreshMostRecentBuilds(); }