tag nametesting_2010-09-13 (324a7c75ac7f591e950836686bfe14332ce6586b)
tag date2010-09-20 10:43:49 -0400
tagged byCliff Brake <cbrake@bec-systems.com>
tagged objectcommit 4ee3585347...
Testing 2010-09-13 tag
beagleboard angstrom-2008.1 beagleboard-linuxtag2010-demo-image Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit User:Cbrake testing_2010-09-13 beagleboard angstrom-2008.1 console-image Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit User:Cbrake testing_2010-09-13 bug20 angstrom-2008.1 openjdk-6 Debian Unstable 64-bit 1.10 Stefan testing_2010-09-13 imote2 angstrom-2008.1 imote2-image Gentoo User:jic23 testing_2010-09-13 imote2 angstrom-2010.x imote2-image Gentoo User:jic23 testing_2010-09-13 hipox angstrom-2008.1 minimal-image openSUSE 11.3 32-bit 1.8.18 Sledz testing_2010-09-13 hipox angstrom-2008.1 console-image openSUSE 11.3 32-bit 1.8.18 Sledz testing_2010-09-13 nslu2le slugos slugos-image Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit 1.10 eFfeM [1] testing_2010-09-13 testing_2010-09-13: builds fine, small kernel strip issue: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.handhelds.openembedded/36799 nslu2be slugos slugos-image Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit 1.10 eFfeM [1] testing_2010-09-13 testing_2010-09-13: kernel strip issue (as le); iniitally failed on eglibc: see http://tinderbox.openembedded.net/packages/754585/ probable cause: no cleaning of tmp after building the nslu2le version; after cleaning the problem was gone