path: root/scripts/cvert.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/cvert.py')
1 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/cvert.py b/scripts/cvert.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f93b95c849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cvert.py
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) 2018 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+""" CVERT library: set of functions for CVE reports
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import json
+import gzip
+import pickle
+import logging
+import hashlib
+import datetime
+import textwrap
+import urllib.request
+import distutils.version
+def generate_report(manifest, cve_struct):
+ """Generate CVE report"""
+ report = []
+ for cve in cve_struct:
+ affected = set()
+ for conf in cve_struct[cve]["nodes"]:
+ affected = affected.union(process_configuration(manifest, conf))
+ for key in affected:
+ product, version = key.split(",")
+ patched = manifest[product][version]
+ if cve in patched:
+ cve_item = {"status": "patched"}
+ else:
+ cve_item = {"status": "unpatched"}
+ cve_item["CVSS"] = "{0:.1f}".format(cve_struct[cve]["score"])
+ cve_item["CVE"] = cve
+ cve_item["product"] = product
+ cve_item["version"] = version
+ cve_item["description"] = cve_struct[cve]["description"]
+ cve_item["reference"] = [x["url"] for x in cve_struct[cve]["reference"]]
+ logging.debug("%9s %s %s,%s",
+ cve_item["status"], cve_item["CVE"],
+ cve_item["product"], cve_item["version"])
+ report.append(cve_item)
+ return sorted(report, key=lambda x: (x["status"], x["product"], x["CVSS"], x["CVE"]))
+def process_configuration(manifest, conf):
+ """Recursive call to process all CVE configurations"""
+ operator = conf["operator"]
+ if operator not in ["OR", "AND"]:
+ raise ValueError("operator {} is not supported".format(operator))
+ operator = True if operator == "AND" else False
+ match = False
+ affected = set()
+ if "cpe" in conf:
+ match = process_cpe(manifest, conf["cpe"][0], affected)
+ for cpe in conf["cpe"][1:]:
+ package_match = process_cpe(manifest, cpe, affected)
+ # match = match <operator> package_match
+ match = operator ^ ((operator ^ match) or (operator ^ package_match))
+ elif "children" in conf:
+ product_set = process_configuration(manifest, conf["children"][0])
+ if product_set:
+ match = True
+ affected = affected.union(product_set)
+ for child in conf["children"][1:]:
+ product_set = process_configuration(manifest, child)
+ package_match = True if product_set else False
+ # match = match OP package_match
+ match = operator ^ ((operator ^ match) or (operator ^ package_match))
+ if package_match:
+ affected = affected.union(product_set)
+ if match:
+ return affected
+ return ()
+def process_cpe(manifest, cpe, affected):
+ """Match CPE with all manifest packages"""
+ if not cpe["vulnerable"]:
+ # ignore non vulnerable part
+ return False
+ version_range = {}
+ for flag in ["versionStartIncluding",
+ "versionStartExcluding",
+ "versionEndIncluding",
+ "versionEndExcluding"]:
+ if flag in cpe:
+ version_range[flag] = cpe[flag]
+ # take only "product" and "version"
+ product, version = cpe["cpe23Uri"].split(":")[4:6]
+ if product not in manifest:
+ return False
+ if not version_range:
+ if version == "*":
+ # ignore CVEs that touches all versions of package,
+ # can not fix it anyway
+ logging.debug('ignore "*" in %s', cpe["cpe23Uri"])
+ return False
+ elif version == "-":
+ # "-" means NA
+ #
+ # NA (i.e. "not applicable/not used"). The logical value NA
+ # SHOULD be assigned when there is no legal or meaningful
+ # value for that attribute, or when that attribute is not
+ # used as part of the description.
+ # This includes the situation in which an attribute has
+ # an obtainable value that is null
+ #
+ # Ignores CVEs if version is not set
+ logging.debug('ignore "-" in %s', cpe["cpe23Uri"])
+ return False
+ else:
+ version_range["versionExactMatch"] = version
+ result = False
+ for version in manifest[product]:
+ try:
+ if match_version(version,
+ version_range):
+ logging.debug("match %s %s: %s", product, version, cpe["cpe23Uri"])
+ affected.add("{},{}".format(product, version))
+ result = True
+ except TypeError:
+ # version comparison is a very tricky
+ # sometimes provider changes product version in a strange manner
+ # and the above comparison just failed
+ # so here we try to make version string "more standard"
+ if match_version(twik_version(version),
+ [twik_version(v) for v in version_range]):
+ logging.debug("match %s %s (twiked): %s", product, twik_version(version),
+ cpe["cpe23Uri"])
+ affected.add("{},{}".format(product, version))
+ result = True
+ return result
+def match_version(version, vrange):
+ """Match version with the version range"""
+ result = False
+ version = util_version(version)
+ if "versionExactMatch" in vrange:
+ if version == util_version(vrange["versionExactMatch"]):
+ result = True
+ else:
+ result = True
+ if "versionStartIncluding" in vrange:
+ result = result and version >= util_version(vrange["versionStartIncluding"])
+ if "versionStartExcluding" in vrange:
+ result = result and version > util_version(vrange["versionStartExcluding"])
+ if "versionEndIncluding" in vrange:
+ result = result and version <= util_version(vrange["versionEndIncluding"])
+ if "versionEndExcluding" in vrange:
+ result = result and version < util_version(vrange["versionEndExcluding"])
+ return result
+def util_version(version):
+ """Simplify package version"""
+ return distutils.version.LooseVersion(version.split("+git")[0])
+def twik_version(version):
+ """Return "standard" version for complex cases"""
+ return "v1" + re.sub(r"^[a-zA-Z]+", "", version)
+def print_report(report, width=70, show_description=False, show_reference=False, output=sys.stdout):
+ """Print out final report"""
+ for cve in report:
+ print("{0:>9s} | {1:>4s} | {2:18s} | {3} | {4}".format(cve["status"], cve["CVSS"],
+ cve["CVE"], cve["product"],
+ cve["version"]),
+ file=output)
+ if show_description:
+ print("{0:>9s} + {1}".format(" ", "Description"), file=output)
+ for lin in textwrap.wrap(cve["description"], width=width):
+ print("{0:>9s} {1}".format(" ", lin), file=output)
+ if show_reference:
+ print("{0:>9s} + {1}".format(" ", "Reference"), file=output)
+ for url in cve["reference"]:
+ print("{0:>9s} {1}".format(" ", url), file=output)
+def update_feeds(feed_dir, offline=False, start=2002):
+ """Update all JSON feeds"""
+ feed_dir = os.path.realpath(feed_dir)
+ year_now = datetime.datetime.now().year
+ cve_struct = {}
+ for year in range(start, year_now + 1):
+ update_year(cve_struct, year, feed_dir, offline)
+ return cve_struct
+def update_year(cve_struct, year, feed_dir, offline):
+ """Update one JSON feed for the particular year"""
+ url_prefix = "https://static.nvd.nist.gov/feeds/json/cve/1.0"
+ file_prefix = "nvdcve-1.0-{0}".format(year)
+ meta = {
+ "url": "{0}/{1}.meta".format(url_prefix, file_prefix),
+ "file": os.path.join(feed_dir, "{0}.meta".format(file_prefix))
+ }
+ feed = {
+ "url": "{0}/{1}.json.gz".format(url_prefix, file_prefix),
+ "file": os.path.join(feed_dir, "{0}.json.gz".format(file_prefix))
+ }
+ ctx = {}
+ if not offline:
+ ctx = download_feed(meta, feed)
+ if not "meta" in ctx or not "feed" in ctx:
+ return
+ if not os.path.isfile(meta["file"]):
+ return
+ if not os.path.isfile(feed["file"]):
+ return
+ if not "meta" in ctx:
+ ctx["meta"] = ctx_meta(meta["file"])
+ if not "sha256" in ctx["meta"]:
+ return
+ if not "feed" in ctx:
+ ctx["feed"] = ctx_gzip(feed["file"], ctx["meta"]["sha256"])
+ if not ctx["feed"]:
+ return
+ logging.debug("parsing year %s", year)
+ for cve_item in ctx["feed"]["CVE_Items"]:
+ iden, cve = parse_item(cve_item)
+ if not iden:
+ continue
+ if not cve:
+ logging.error("%s parse error", iden)
+ break
+ if iden in cve_struct:
+ logging.error("%s duplicated", iden)
+ break
+ cve_struct[iden] = cve
+ logging.debug("cve records: %d", len(cve_struct))
+def ctx_meta(filename):
+ """Parse feed meta file"""
+ if not os.path.isfile(filename):
+ return {}
+ ctx = {}
+ with open(filename) as fil:
+ for lin in fil:
+ pair = lin.split(":", maxsplit=1)
+ ctx[pair[0]] = pair[1].rstrip()
+ return ctx
+def ctx_gzip(filename, checksum=""):
+ """Parse feed archive file"""
+ if not os.path.isfile(filename):
+ return {}
+ with gzip.open(filename) as fil:
+ try:
+ ctx = fil.read()
+ except (EOFError, OSError):
+ logging.error("failed to process gz archive %s", filename, exc_info=True)
+ return {}
+ if checksum and checksum.upper() != hashlib.sha256(ctx).hexdigest().upper():
+ return {}
+ return json.loads(ctx.decode())
+def parse_item(cve_item):
+ """Parse one JSON CVE entry"""
+ cve_id = cve_item["cve"]["CVE_data_meta"]["ID"][:]
+ impact = cve_item["impact"]
+ if not impact:
+ return None, None
+ if "baseMetricV3" in impact:
+ score = impact["baseMetricV3"]["cvssV3"]["baseScore"]
+ elif "baseMetricV2" in impact:
+ score = impact["baseMetricV2"]["cvssV2"]["baseScore"]
+ else:
+ return cve_id, None
+ return cve_id, {
+ "score": score,
+ "nodes": cve_item["configurations"]["nodes"][:],
+ "reference": cve_item["cve"]["references"]["reference_data"][:],
+ "description": cve_item["cve"]["description"]["description_data"][0]["value"]
+ }
+def download_feed(meta, feed):
+ """Download and parse feed"""
+ ctx = {}
+ if not retrieve_url(meta["url"], meta["file"]):
+ return {}
+ ctx["meta"] = ctx_meta(meta["file"])
+ if not "sha256" in ctx["meta"]:
+ return {}
+ ctx["feed"] = ctx_gzip(feed["file"], ctx["meta"]["sha256"])
+ if not ctx["feed"]:
+ if not retrieve_url(feed["url"], feed["file"]):
+ return {}
+ ctx["feed"] = ctx_gzip(feed["file"], ctx["meta"]["sha256"])
+ return ctx
+def retrieve_url(url, filename=None):
+ """Download file by URL"""
+ if filename:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True)
+ logging.debug("downloading %s", url)
+ try:
+ urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename=filename)
+ except urllib.error.HTTPError:
+ logging.error("failed to download URL %s", url, exc_info=True)
+ return False
+ return True
+def logconfig(debug_flag=False):
+ """Return default log config"""
+ return {
+ "version": 1,
+ "formatters": {
+ "f": {
+ "format": "# %(asctime)s %% CVERT %% %(levelname)-8s %% %(message)s"
+ }
+ },
+ "handlers": {
+ "h": {
+ "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
+ "formatter": "f",
+ "level": logging.DEBUG if debug_flag else logging.INFO
+ }
+ },
+ "root": {
+ "handlers": ["h"],
+ "level": logging.DEBUG if debug_flag else logging.INFO
+ },
+ }
+def save_cve(filename, cve_struct):
+ """Save CVE structure in the file"""
+ filename = os.path.realpath(filename)
+ logging.debug("saving %d CVE records to %s", len(cve_struct), filename)
+ with open(filename, "wb") as fil:
+ pickle.dump(cve_struct, fil)
+def load_cve(filename):
+ """Load CVE structure from the file"""
+ filename = os.path.realpath(filename)
+ logging.debug("loading from %s", filename)
+ with open(filename, "rb") as fil:
+ cve_struct = pickle.load(fil)
+ logging.debug("cve records: %d", len(cve_struct))
+ return cve_struct