path: root/recipes/hping
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-03-17rename packages/ to recipes/ per earlier agreementDenys Dmytriyenko
'n121' href='#n121'>121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398
#!/usr/bin/env python

# generate Python Manifest for the OpenEmbedded build system
# (C) 2002-2010 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <mlauer@vanille-media.de>
# (C) 2007 Jeremy Laine
# licensed under MIT, see COPYING.MIT
# June 22, 2011 -- Mark Hatle <mark.hatle@windriver.com>
#  * Updated to no longer generate special -dbg package, instead use the
#    single system -dbg
#  * Update version with ".1" to indicate this change

import os
import sys
import time

VERSION = "2.7.2"

__author__ = "Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <mlauer@vanille-media.de>"
__version__ = "20110222.2"

class MakefileMaker:

    def __init__( self, outfile ):
        self.packages = {}
        self.targetPrefix = "${libdir}/python%s/" % VERSION[:3]
        self.output = outfile
        self.out( """
# WARNING: This file is AUTO GENERATED: Manual edits will be lost next time I regenerate the file.
# Generator: '%s' Version %s (C) 2002-2010 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <mlauer@vanille-media.de>
# Visit the Python for Embedded Systems Site => http://www.Vanille.de/projects/python.spy
""" % ( sys.argv[0], __version__ ) )

    # helper functions

    def out( self, data ):
        """print a line to the output file"""
        self.output.write( "%s\n" % data )

    def setPrefix( self, targetPrefix ):
        """set a file prefix for addPackage files"""
        self.targetPrefix = targetPrefix

    def doProlog( self ):
        self.out( """ """ )
        self.out( "" )

    def addPackage( self, name, description, dependencies, filenames ):
        """add a package to the Makefile"""
        if type( filenames ) == type( "" ):
            filenames = filenames.split()
        fullFilenames = []
        for filename in filenames:
            if filename[0] != "$":
                fullFilenames.append( "%s%s" % ( self.targetPrefix, filename ) )
                fullFilenames.append( filename )
        self.packages[name] = description, dependencies, fullFilenames

    def doBody( self ):
        """generate body of Makefile"""

        global VERSION

        # generate provides line

        provideLine = 'PROVIDES+="'
        for name in sorted(self.packages):
            provideLine += "%s " % name
        provideLine += '"'

        self.out( provideLine )
        self.out( "" )

        # generate package line

        packageLine = 'PACKAGES="${PN}-dbg '
        for name in sorted(self.packages):
            if name.startswith("${PN}-distutils"):
                if name == "${PN}-distutils":
                    packageLine += "%s-staticdev %s " % (name, name)
            elif name != '${PN}-dbg':
                packageLine += "%s " % name
        packageLine += '${PN}-modules"'

        self.out( packageLine )
        self.out( "" )

        # generate package variables

        for name, data in sorted(self.packages.iteritems()):
            desc, deps, files = data

            # write out the description, revision and dependencies
            self.out( 'SUMMARY_%s="%s"' % ( name, desc ) )
            self.out( 'RDEPENDS_%s="%s"' % ( name, deps ) )

            line = 'FILES_%s="' % name

            # check which directories to make in the temporary directory

            dirset = {} # if python had a set-datatype this would be sufficient. for now, we're using a dict instead.
            for target in files:
                dirset[os.path.dirname( target )] = True

            # generate which files to copy for the target (-dfR because whole directories are also allowed)

            for target in files:
                line += "%s " % target

            line += '"'
            self.out( line )
            self.out( "" )

        self.out( 'SUMMARY_${PN}-modules="All Python modules"' )
        line = 'RDEPENDS_${PN}-modules="'

        for name, data in sorted(self.packages.iteritems()):
            if name not in ['${PN}-dev', '${PN}-distutils-staticdev']:
                line += "%s " % name

        self.out( "%s \"" % line )
        self.out( 'ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN}-modules = "1"' )

    def doEpilog( self ):
        self.out( """""" )
        self.out( "" )

    def make( self ):

if __name__ == "__main__":

    if len( sys.argv ) > 1:
        except Exception:
        outfile = file( sys.argv[1], "w" )
        outfile = sys.stdout

    m = MakefileMaker( outfile )

    # Add packages here. Only specify dlopen-style library dependencies here, no ldd-style dependencies!
    # Parameters: revision, name, description, dependencies, filenames

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-core", "Python interpreter and core modules", "${PN}-lang ${PN}-re",
    "__future__.* _abcoll.* abc.* copy.* copy_reg.* ConfigParser.* " +
    "genericpath.* getopt.* linecache.* new.* " +
    "os.* posixpath.* struct.* " +
    "warnings.* site.* stat.* " +
    "UserDict.* UserList.* UserString.* " +
    "lib-dynload/binascii.so lib-dynload/_struct.so lib-dynload/time.so " +
    "lib-dynload/xreadlines.so types.* platform.* ${bindir}/python* "  +
    "_weakrefset.* sysconfig.* _sysconfigdata.* config/Makefile " +
    "${includedir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/pyconfig*.h " +
    "${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/sitecustomize.py ")

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-dev", "Python development package", "${PN}-core",
    "${includedir} " +
    "${libdir}/lib*${SOLIBSDEV} " +
    "${libdir}/*.la " +
    "${libdir}/*.a " +
    "${libdir}/*.o " +
    "${libdir}/pkgconfig " +
    "${base_libdir}/*.a " +
    "${base_libdir}/*.o " +
    "${datadir}/aclocal " +
    "${datadir}/pkgconfig " )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-2to3", "Python automated Python 2 to 3 code translator", "${PN}-core",
    "${bindir}/2to3 lib2to3" ) # package

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-idle", "Python Integrated Development Environment", "${PN}-core ${PN}-tkinter",
    "${bindir}/idle idlelib" ) # package

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-pydoc", "Python interactive help support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-lang ${PN}-stringold ${PN}-re",
    "${bindir}/pydoc pydoc.* pydoc_data" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-smtpd", "Python Simple Mail Transport Daemon", "${PN}-core ${PN}-netserver ${PN}-email ${PN}-mime",
    "${bindir}/smtpd.* smtpd.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-audio", "Python Audio Handling", "${PN}-core",
    "wave.* chunk.* sndhdr.* lib-dynload/ossaudiodev.so lib-dynload/audioop.so audiodev.* sunaudio.* sunau.* toaiff.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-bsddb", "Python bindings for the Berkeley Database", "${PN}-core",
    "bsddb lib-dynload/_bsddb.so" ) # package

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-codecs", "Python codecs, encodings & i18n support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-lang",
    "codecs.* encodings gettext.* locale.* lib-dynload/_locale.so lib-dynload/_codecs* lib-dynload/_multibytecodec.so lib-dynload/unicodedata.so stringprep.* xdrlib.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-compile", "Python bytecode compilation support", "${PN}-core",
    "py_compile.* compileall.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-compiler", "Python compiler support", "${PN}-core",
    "compiler" ) # package

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-compression", "Python high-level compression support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-zlib",
    "gzip.* zipfile.* tarfile.* lib-dynload/bz2.so" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-crypt", "Python basic cryptographic and hashing support", "${PN}-core",
    "hashlib.* md5.* sha.* lib-dynload/crypt.so lib-dynload/_hashlib.so lib-dynload/_sha256.so lib-dynload/_sha512.so" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-textutils", "Python option parsing, text wrapping and CSV support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-io ${PN}-re ${PN}-stringold",
    "lib-dynload/_csv.so csv.* optparse.* textwrap.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-curses", "Python curses support", "${PN}-core",
    "curses lib-dynload/_curses.so lib-dynload/_curses_panel.so" ) # directory + low level module

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-ctypes", "Python C types support", "${PN}-core",
    "ctypes lib-dynload/_ctypes.so lib-dynload/_ctypes_test.so" ) # directory + low level module

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-datetime", "Python calendar and time support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-codecs",
    "_strptime.* calendar.* lib-dynload/datetime.so" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-db", "Python file-based database support", "${PN}-core",
    "anydbm.* dumbdbm.* whichdb.* " )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-debugger", "Python debugger", "${PN}-core ${PN}-io ${PN}-lang ${PN}-re ${PN}-stringold ${PN}-shell ${PN}-pprint",
    "bdb.* pdb.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-difflib", "Python helpers for computing deltas between objects", "${PN}-lang ${PN}-re",
    "difflib.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-distutils-staticdev", "Python distribution utilities (static libraries)", "${PN}-distutils",
    "config/lib*.a" ) # package

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-distutils", "Python Distribution Utilities", "${PN}-core",
    "config distutils" ) # package

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-doctest", "Python framework for running examples in docstrings", "${PN}-core ${PN}-lang ${PN}-io ${PN}-re ${PN}-unittest ${PN}-debugger ${PN}-difflib",
    "doctest.*" )

    # FIXME consider adding to some higher level package
    m.addPackage( "${PN}-elementtree", "Python elementree", "${PN}-core",
    "lib-dynload/_elementtree.so" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-email", "Python email support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-io ${PN}-re ${PN}-mime ${PN}-audio ${PN}-image ${PN}-netclient",
    "imaplib.* email" ) # package

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-fcntl", "Python's fcntl interface", "${PN}-core",
    "lib-dynload/fcntl.so" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-hotshot", "Python hotshot performance profiler", "${PN}-core",
    "hotshot lib-dynload/_hotshot.so" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-html", "Python HTML processing support", "${PN}-core",
    "formatter.* htmlentitydefs.* htmllib.* markupbase.* sgmllib.* HTMLParser.* " )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-importlib", "Python import implementation library", "${PN}-core",
    "importlib" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-gdbm", "Python GNU database support", "${PN}-core",
    "lib-dynload/gdbm.so" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-image", "Python graphical image handling", "${PN}-core",
    "colorsys.* imghdr.* lib-dynload/imageop.so lib-dynload/rgbimg.so" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-io", "Python low-level I/O", "${PN}-core ${PN}-math ${PN}-textutils ${PN}-netclient ${PN}-contextlib",
    "lib-dynload/_socket.so lib-dynload/_io.so lib-dynload/_ssl.so lib-dynload/select.so lib-dynload/termios.so lib-dynload/cStringIO.so " +
    "pipes.* socket.* ssl.* tempfile.* StringIO.* io.* _pyio.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-json", "Python JSON support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-math ${PN}-re ${PN}-codecs",
    "json lib-dynload/_json.so" ) # package

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-lang", "Python low-level language support", "${PN}-core",
    "lib-dynload/_bisect.so lib-dynload/_collections.so lib-dynload/_heapq.so lib-dynload/_weakref.so lib-dynload/_functools.so " +
    "lib-dynload/array.so lib-dynload/itertools.so lib-dynload/operator.so lib-dynload/parser.so " +
    "atexit.* bisect.* code.* codeop.* collections.* dis.* functools.* heapq.* inspect.* keyword.* opcode.* symbol.* repr.* token.* " +
    "tokenize.* traceback.* weakref.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-logging", "Python logging support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-io ${PN}-lang ${PN}-pickle ${PN}-stringold",
    "logging" ) # package

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-mailbox", "Python mailbox format support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-mime",
    "mailbox.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-math", "Python math support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-crypt",
    "lib-dynload/cmath.so lib-dynload/math.so lib-dynload/_random.so random.* sets.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-mime", "Python MIME handling APIs", "${PN}-core ${PN}-io",
    "mimetools.* uu.* quopri.* rfc822.* MimeWriter.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-mmap", "Python memory-mapped file support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-io",
    "lib-dynload/mmap.so " )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-multiprocessing", "Python multiprocessing support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-io ${PN}-lang ${PN}-pickle ${PN}-threading ${PN}-ctypes ${PN}-mmap",
    "lib-dynload/_multiprocessing.so multiprocessing" ) # package

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-netclient", "Python Internet Protocol clients", "${PN}-core ${PN}-crypt ${PN}-datetime ${PN}-io ${PN}-lang ${PN}-logging ${PN}-mime",
    "*Cookie*.* " +
    "base64.* cookielib.* ftplib.* gopherlib.* hmac.* httplib.* mimetypes.* nntplib.* poplib.* smtplib.* telnetlib.* urllib.* urllib2.* urlparse.* uuid.* rfc822.* mimetools.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-netserver", "Python Internet Protocol servers", "${PN}-core ${PN}-netclient ${PN}-shell ${PN}-threading",
    "cgi.* *HTTPServer.* SocketServer.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-numbers", "Python number APIs", "${PN}-core ${PN}-lang ${PN}-re",
    "decimal.* fractions.* numbers.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-pickle", "Python serialisation/persistence support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-codecs ${PN}-io ${PN}-re",
    "pickle.* shelve.* lib-dynload/cPickle.so pickletools.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-pkgutil", "Python package extension utility support", "${PN}-core",

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-pprint", "Python pretty-print support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-io",
    "pprint.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-profile", "Python basic performance profiling support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-textutils",
    "profile.* pstats.* cProfile.* lib-dynload/_lsprof.so" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-re", "Python Regular Expression APIs", "${PN}-core",
    "re.* sre.* sre_compile.* sre_constants* sre_parse.*" ) # _sre is builtin

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-readline", "Python readline support", "${PN}-core",
    "lib-dynload/readline.so rlcompleter.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-resource", "Python resource control interface", "${PN}-core",
    "lib-dynload/resource.so" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-shell", "Python shell-like functionality", "${PN}-core ${PN}-re",
    "cmd.* commands.* dircache.* fnmatch.* glob.* popen2.* shlex.* shutil.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-robotparser", "Python robots.txt parser", "${PN}-core ${PN}-netclient",

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-subprocess", "Python subprocess support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-io ${PN}-re ${PN}-fcntl ${PN}-pickle",
    "subprocess.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-sqlite3", "Python Sqlite3 database support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-datetime ${PN}-lang ${PN}-crypt ${PN}-io ${PN}-threading ${PN}-zlib",
    "lib-dynload/_sqlite3.so sqlite3/dbapi2.* sqlite3/__init__.* sqlite3/dump.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-sqlite3-tests", "Python Sqlite3 database support tests", "${PN}-core ${PN}-sqlite3",
    "sqlite3/test" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-stringold", "Python string APIs [deprecated]", "${PN}-core ${PN}-re",
    "lib-dynload/strop.so string.* stringold.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-syslog", "Python syslog interface", "${PN}-core",
    "lib-dynload/syslog.so" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-terminal", "Python terminal controlling support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-io",
    "pty.* tty.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-tests", "Python tests", "${PN}-core",
    "test" ) # package

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-threading", "Python threading & synchronization support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-lang",
    "_threading_local.* dummy_thread.* dummy_threading.* mutex.* threading.* Queue.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-tkinter", "Python Tcl/Tk bindings", "${PN}-core",
    "lib-dynload/_tkinter.so lib-tk" ) # package

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-unittest", "Python unit testing framework", "${PN}-core ${PN}-stringold ${PN}-lang ${PN}-io ${PN}-difflib ${PN}-pprint ${PN}-shell",
    "unittest/" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-unixadmin", "Python Unix administration support", "${PN}-core",
    "lib-dynload/nis.so lib-dynload/grp.so lib-dynload/pwd.so getpass.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-xml", "Python basic XML support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-elementtree ${PN}-re",
    "lib-dynload/pyexpat.so xml xmllib.*" ) # package

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-xmlrpc", "Python XML-RPC support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-xml ${PN}-netserver ${PN}-lang",
    "xmlrpclib.* SimpleXMLRPCServer.* DocXMLRPCServer.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-zlib", "Python zlib compression support", "${PN}-core",
    "lib-dynload/zlib.so" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-mailbox", "Python mailbox format support", "${PN}-core ${PN}-mime",
    "mailbox.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-argparse", "Python command line argument parser", "${PN}-core ${PN}-codecs ${PN}-textutils",
    "argparse.*" )

    m.addPackage( "${PN}-contextlib", "Python utilities for with-statement" +
    "contexts.", "${PN}-core",
    "${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/contextlib.*" )
