path: root/recipes/palmpre/tsmd
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2011-02-27tsmd: install also a little helper script to control the touchscreen daemonSimon Busch
Signed-off-by: Simon Busch <morphis@gravedo.de>
2011-02-27tsmd: return of the old init scriptSimon Busch
Signed-off-by: Simon Busch <morphis@gravedo.de>
2011-01-04tsmd: remove initscript and bump PRSimon Busch
The initscript for tsmd is not needed anymore as it is started by a plugin of FSO's fsodeviced daemon. Signed-off-by: Simon Busch <morphis@amethyst.openembedded.net>
2010-10-20tsmd: add initial recipeSimon Busch
tsmd is a touchscreen management daemon for the palmpre machine. It has juast one simple task to do: It open's the touchscreen dev node on /dev/touchscreen, process it's data with tslib and forward all input events to uinput dev node. Signed-off-by: Simon Busch <morphis@gravedo.de>