#@TYPE: Machine #@NAME: Nokia 900 internet tablet #@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for the Nokia 900 TARGET_ARCH = "arm" SOC_FAMILY = "omap3" require conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa8.inc PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/xserver = "xserver-xorg" XSERVER = "xserver-xorg \ xf86-input-evdev \ xf86-video-fbdev \ xf86-input-keyboard \ xf86-video-omapfb " MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS = "\ watchdog \ kernel-module-g-nokia \ kernel-module-tsl2563 \ kernel-module-smc91x \ kernel-module-leds-lp5523 \ kernel-module-adp1653 \ kernel-module-ad5820 \ kernel-module-et8ek8 \ kernel-module-fmtx-si4713 \ kernel-module-leds-twl4030-vibra \ kernel-module-lis302dl \ kernel-module-nokia-av \ kernel-module-omap-ssi \ kernel-module-omap-wdt \ kernel-module-phonet \ kernel-module-radio-bcm2048 \ kernel-module-rtc-twl4030 \ kernel-module-smia-sensor \ kernel-module-ssi-mcsaab-imp \ kernel-module-tsc2005 \ kernel-module-twl4030-wdt \ kernel-module-wl12xx \ kernel-module-cmt-speech \ kernel-module-gpio-keys \ kernel-module-hci-h4p \ kernel-module-hsi-char \ kernel-module-isp1704-charger \ kernel-module-lis3lv02d-i2c \ kernel-module-mailbox-mach \ kernel-module-rtc-twl \ kernel-module-twl4030-pwrbutton \ kernel-module-wl1251-spi \ kernel-module-ubifs \ " GUI_MACHINE_CLASS = "bigscreen" MACHINE_DISPLAY_WIDTH_PIXELS = "800" MACHINE_DISPLAY_HEIGHT_PIXELS = "480" KERNEL_IMAGETYPE = "uImage" UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT = "0x80008000" UBOOT_LOADADDRESS = "0x80008000" EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS += "u-boot" ROOT_FLASH_SIZE = "100" EXTRA_IMAGECMD_jffs2_nokia900 = "--pad --little-endian --eraseblock=0x20000 -n" # Add "rootfstype=ubifs ubi.mtd=5,2048 root=ubi0:nokia900-rootfs" # to the kernel cmdline to boot an ubifs image flashed on /dev/mtd5 # Here are the arguments with the corresponding dmesg messages : # -m: UBI: smallest flash I/O unit: 2048 # -e: UBI: logical eraseblock size: 126976 bytes # -c: UBI: number of good PEBs: 2009 # -p: UBI: physical eraseblock size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB) # -x: best compression ratio # -s and -O : set to the smallest flash I/O unit to bypass the subpages # See http://www.linux-mtd.infradead.org/faq/ubi.html#L_vid_offset_mismatch for more details # else you have some errors like theses in dmesg with ubiattach: # onenand_write_ops_nolock: verify failed -74 # UBI error: ubi_io_write: error -74 while writing 512 bytes to PEB 961:512, written 512 bytes # UBI warning: ubi_eba_write_leb: failed to write VID header to LEB 2147479551:0, PEB 961 # UBI warning: ubi_ro_mode: switch to read-only mode MKUBIFS_ARGS = "-m 2048 -e 126976 -c 2009 -x zlib" UBINIZE_ARGS = "-m 2048 -p 131072 -s 2048 -O 2048" IMAGE_FSTYPES ?= "jffs2 tar.gz" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-nokia900-meego" #use this if you are using the nokia initfs ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += " remove_init_link; " MACHINE_FEATURES = "kernel26 apm alsa bluetooth usbgadget vfat keyboard" module_autoload_g_ether = "g_ether" module_autoload_omap_ssi = "omap_ssi" module_autoload_isp1704_charger = "isp1704_charger" # Copied from include/omap3.inc (as we do not use linux-omap recipes): # # Increase this everytime you change something in the kernel MACHINE_KERNEL_PR = "r60"