#!/bin/bash # the revision that we noticed does not longer build LATEST_BAD_REV=$1 # an older revision that is known to build LAST_KNOWN_GOOD_REV=$2 # count the number of commits COUNT=`mtn log --brief --no-merges --no-graph --to p:$LAST_KNOWN_GOOD_REV --from $LATEST_BAD_REV | tee /tmp/candidates.txt | wc -l` echo $COUNT commits # if COUNT == 1 stop # make binary sections COUNT=$(($(($COUNT + 1)) / 2)) CANDIDATE_REV=`cat /tmp/candidates.txt | head -n $COUNT | tail -n 1 | sed -e 's@\([a-f0-9]*\) .*@\1@'` echo $CANDIDATE_REV echo mtn up -r $CANDIDATE_REV mtn up -r $CANDIDATE_REV