import glob import os.path import oe.path def files(pkg, d): """ Obtains a list of files to be included in a package. Starting from the FILES_ variable, it expands any glob.globs in the list, which removes missing files, and traverses any directories in the list. It does *not* remove files which are also in other packages, it's left to the user's discretion whether to allow overlap. """ installdir = d.getVar("D", True) installdirlen = len(installdir) files = (d.getVar("FILES_%s" % pkg, True) or "").split() for globbed in (glob.glob(os.path.join(installdir, file[1:])) for file in files): for path in globbed: if os.path.isdir(path) and not os.path.islink(path): for file in oe.path.find(path): yield file[installdirlen:] else: yield path[installdirlen:]