#setenv usbtty 'cdc_acm' #setenv mpurate '500' #setenv buddy 'none' #setenv vram '12M' #setenv defaultdisplay 'dvi' #setenv dvimode '640x480MR-16@60' setenv setbase 'setenv baseargs ${memmap} console=${console} mpurate=${mpurate} buddy=${buddy} vram=${vram} musb_hdrc.fifomode=${musbfifomode} omapfb.mode=${defaultdisplay}:${dvimode} omapdss.def_disp=${defaultdisplay}' setenv nandroot 'root=/dev/mtdblock4 rw rootfstype=jffs2' setenv nandargs 'run setbase; setenv bootargs ${baseargs} ${nandroot}' setenv nandloaduimage 'nand read ${loadaddr} 280000 400000' setenv nandboot 'run nandloadimage; bootm ${loadaddr}' setenv mmcroot 'root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootfstype=ext3 rootwait' setenv mmcargs 'run setbase; setenv bootargs ${baseargs} ${mmcroot}' setenv mmcloaduimage 'fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} uImage' setenv mmcboot 'run mmcloaduimage; bootm ${loadaddr}' echo Setting Specific Environment from MMC boot.scr # set musb to only use 8k for fifo memory - not necesary on xm, but safe anyway setenv musbfifomode '5' # mpurate is read from omap registers on omap3530 (which x-load has set to 600mhz?), on xm, uboot sets this to 1GHz #setenv mpurate '720' setenv memmap 'mem=80M mem=384M@0x88000000' if "${beaglerev}" = "AxBx"; then setenv memmap 'mem=80M' fi if "${beaglerev}" = "Cx"; then setenv memmap 'mem=80M mem=128M@0x88000000' fi setenv vram '16M omapfb.vram=0:8M,1:4M,2:4M' setenv defaultdisplay 'dvi' setenv dvimode 'hd720' #setenv dvimode '1280x720MR-32@60' run mmcargs printenv run mmcboot