require DESCRIPTION = "Here's a somewhat simple drawing pad for the BUG.\ Take a picture with button one on the BUG (or the camera button) to place the picture on the canvas. Then draw on the canvas. You can draw free-form lines, straight lines, circles, or a couple of pre-fab phrases. You can choose a color. The erase button clears the whole thing.\ Press button 2 on the BUG to save your creation as a .bmp file in your tmp directory. Our in-house version of this app is hooked up to BUGdata, which isn't public yet, but you can see the creations 'here(':" HOMEPAGE = "" DEPENDS += " com.buglabs.osgi com.buglabs.common service-tracker com.buglabs.bug.module.lcd " PV = "5" SRC_LINK = "" APIVERSION = "" BROKEN = "1"