require DESCRIPTION = "An alarm based on proximity to a destination rather than time, aimed at commuters. As always, email or comment any problems you encounter or any features you would like added, I am looking for ways to improve it. Currently it does everything but ring, newer versions of the SDK will do it but I want it to work for everyone, once the BUG comes out I will udpate. Also, I am going to integrate LocationList in so that your favorite locations will be saved. As always, email or comment any problems you encounter or any features you would like added, I am looking for ways to improve it." HOMEPAGE = "" DEPENDS += "service-tracker com.buglabs.bug.module.lcd com.buglabs.common com.buglabs.bug.module.gps com.buglabs.osgi " PV = "6" SRC_LINK = "" APIVERSION = ""