require DESCRIPTION = "Application for the physical BUG that snaps a picture when any of the buttons (including the joystick) is pressed and released. \ I whipped this up for the Come on down meet and greet 3/26/2008.\ The images are written to the MMC card at /home/buguser/images/image_#.jpg\ To access the images, either use an MMC card reader or scp them from the BUG to the host machine.\ scp -r root@ . \ That's temporary btw. I'll extend the app to be a PublicWSProvider, zipping the folder and returning the zip through a GET request.\ " HOMEPAGE = "" DEPENDS += " com.buglabs.bug.base com.buglabs.osgi service-tracker com.buglabs.common " PV = "4" SRC_LINK = "" APIVERSION = ""