require DESCRIPTION = "Simple APP showing how to read/write to GPIO pins. It prints to concierge.log the state of the 4 GPIO pins. It's composed of two threads: one to read the status of the GPIO pin, and another to intermittently set GPIO pin 0 to high or low. \ You can insert a wire from pin 0 to any other pin and see that it does indeed change. Some example output:\ (GPIO pin 0 wired to GPIO pin 2)\ 1010\ 1111\ 1010\ 1111\ 1010\ 1111\ (wire pulled out)\ 1110\ 1111\ 1110\ (GPIO pin 0 wired to pin 1)\ 1100\ 1111\ 1100\ 1111\ 1100\ 1111\ (wire pulled out)\ 1110\ 1111\ 1110\ 1111" HOMEPAGE = "" DEPENDS += "com.buglabs.osgi com.buglabs.common service-tracker com.buglabs.bug.module.vonhippel " PV = "2" SRC_LINK = "" APIVERSION = ""