require DESCRIPTION = "WhereAmI uses local map tiles to provide a location display. Thus, it requires no Internet connection.\ -However, the map does not display in the virtual bug because it reads the files from the bug's disk.-\ The tiles can be loaded directly from the web.\ Tiles are from The can also be loaded from disk in /home/root/tiles under the same structure as one the OSM server.\ -Tiles are US only. If I have not rendered your state let me know and I will.-\ The OpenStreeMap has tiles for the entire world of some quality except the poles." HOMEPAGE = "" DEPENDS += "service-tracker com.buglabs.nmea com.buglabs.bug.module.lcd com.buglabs.common com.buglabs.bug.module.gps com.buglabs.osgi " PV = "3" SRC_LINK = "" APIVERSION = ""