DESCRIPTION = "The reference implementation of the framework APIs" HOMEPAGE = "" AUTHOR = "FreeSmartphone.Org Development Team" SECTION = "console/network" DEPENDS = "python-cython-native python-pyrex-native" LICENSE = "GPL" PV = "${SRCREV}" PR = "r2" inherit distutils update-rc.d INITSCRIPT_NAME = "frameworkd" INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "defaults 29" SRC_URI = "${FREESMARTPHONE_GIT}/framework.git;protocol=git;branch=master \ file://frameworkd \ file://frameworkd.conf \ " SRC_URI_append_shr = "file://oeventsd-use-opimd-signals.patch;patch=1" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" do_configure_append() { echo "version=\"${PV}\"" >framework/ } do_install_append() { install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/frameworkd ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/ install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/frameworkd.conf ${D}${sysconfdir} } pkg_postinst_${PN} () { echo "NOTE: if you have old contacts without field types and the" echo " tel: prefix instead please use the remove-tel script" } RDEPENDS_${PN} += "\ fsousaged \ " RDEPENDS_${PN} += "\ python-ctypes \ python-dbus \ python-datetime \ python-difflib \ python-logging \ python-pprint \ python-pyalsaaudio \ python-pygobject \ python-pyrtc \ python-pyserial \ python-pyyaml \ python-shell \ python-subprocess \ python-syslog \ python-textutils \ python-multiprocessing \ ${PN}-config \ " RRECOMMENDS_${PN} += "\ alsa-utils-amixer \ python-gst \ python-phoneutils \ python-vobject \ ppp \ " PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-config" PACKAGE_ARCH_${PN}-config = "${MACHINE_ARCH}" # machine specific stuff, should ideally be elsewhere # - recommend MUXer on platforms that require one RDEPENDS_${PN}-config_append_om-gta01 = " fso-abyss" RDEPENDS_${PN}-config_append_om-gta02 = " fso-abyss" # - add wmiconfig for wireless configuration RDEPENDS_${PN}-config_append_om-gta02 = " wmiconfig" FILES_${PN}-config = "\ ${sysconfdir}/frameworkd.conf \ ${sysconfdir}/freesmartphone \ " CONFFILES_${PN}-config = "\ ${sysconfdir}/frameworkd.conf \ ${sysconfdir}/freesmartphone/opreferences/conf/phone/silent.yaml \ ${sysconfdir}/freesmartphone/opreferences/conf/phone/default.yaml \ ${sysconfdir}/freesmartphone/opreferences/conf/profiles/default.yaml \ ${sysconfdir}/freesmartphone/opreferences/conf/rules/silent.yaml \ ${sysconfdir}/freesmartphone/opreferences/conf/rules/default.yaml \ ${sysconfdir}/freesmartphone/oevents/rules.yaml \ ${sysconfdir}/freesmartphone/ogsmd/ \ " PACKAGE_ARCH_${PN} = "${BASE_PACKAGE_ARCH}" FILES_${PN} += "${sysconfdir}/dbus-1 ${sysconfdir}/freesmartphone ${sysconfdir}/init.d ${datadir}" FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/${PYTHON_DIR}/site-packages/framework/subsystems/*/.debug"