DESCRIPTION = "Stand-alone libpixbuf, a pixelmap image i/o library from the \ GTK+ multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "libs" LICENSE = "LGPL" PRIORITY = "optional" DEPENDS = "libpng gettext glib-2.0" PR = "r2" S = "${WORKDIR}/gtk+-${PV}" FILESPATH = "${FILE_DIRNAME}/gdk-pixbuf-csource:${FILE_DIRNAME}/gtk+-${PV}:${FILE_DIRNAME}/files" SRC_URI = "\${PV}.tar.bz2 \ file://automake-lossage.patch;patch=1 \ " inherit autotools pkgconfig LIBV = "2.10.0" FILES_${PN} = "${bindir}/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders \ ${bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache \ ${libdir}/lib*.so.*" FILES_${PN}-dev += " \ ${datadir}/gtk-2.0/include \ ${libdir}/gtk-2.0/include \ ${libdir}/gtk-2.0/${LIBV}/loaders/*.la \ ${bindir}/gdk-pixbuf-csource \ ${bindir}/gtk-builder-convert" FILES_${PN}-dbg += " \ ${libdir}/gtk-2.0/${LIBV}/loaders/.debug/*" EXTRA_OECONF = "\ --without-x \ --with-gdktarget=linux-fb \ --without-libtiff \ --without-libjpeg \ --with-libpng \ " EXTRA_OECONF += "--disable-modules --with-included-loaders=png,tga" # check for TARGET_FPU=soft and inform configure of the result so it can disable some floating points require EXTRA_OECONF += "${@get_gtk_fpu_setting(bb, d)}" do_compile() { cd gdk-pixbuf && oe_runmake } do_stage() { oe_libinstall -C gdk-pixbuf -so libgdk_pixbuf-2.0 ${STAGING_LIBDIR} cd gdk-pixbuf && oe_runmake install DESTDIR=${STAGING_DIR_HOST}${layout_exec_prefix} autotools_stage_includes # install -d -m 0755 ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/gtk-2.0/include # install -m 0644 gdk/gdkconfig.h ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/gtk-2.0/include/gdkconfig.h } do_install() { oe_libinstall -C gdk-pixbuf -so libgdk_pixbuf-2.0 ${D}/${libdir} cd gdk-pixbuf && oe_runmake install DESTDIR=${D} } SRC_URI[md5sum] = "018d7dd0fa7de01cfdb77c7c55e7ba26" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "d02344239d048390ba02fcfd7de4f9efc0dfb51e7b06dfa46a6314d666ea4de2"