SECTION = "unknown" DEPENDS = "opensp" RDEPENDS_${PN} = "sgml-common" DESCRIPTION = "OpenJade is a suite of tools for validating, \ processing, and applying DSSSL (Document Style Semantics and \ Specification Language) stylesheets to SGML and XML documents." LICENSE = "BSD" SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/openjade/openjade-${PV}.tar.gz \ file://configure.patch" inherit autotools EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-spincludedir=${STAGING_INCDIR}/OpenSP \ --enable-splibdir=${STAGING_LIBDIR}" acpaths = "-I ${S}/config" # Trailing whitespace is important. Otherwise compiler arguments will be messed # up, resulting in a fail in do_configure. CFLAGS_prepend = "-I${S}/include " do_configure_prepend () { mv config/ . } do_stage () { oe_libinstall -a -so -C style libostyle ${STAGING_LIBDIR} oe_libinstall -a -so -C spgrove libospgrove ${STAGING_LIBDIR} oe_libinstall -a -so -C grove libogrove ${STAGING_LIBDIR} } SRC_URI[md5sum] = "7df692e3186109cc00db6825b777201e" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "1d2d7996cc94f9b87d0c51cf0e028070ac177c4123ecbfd7ac1cb8d0b7d322d1"