path: root/classes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'classes')
7 files changed, 471 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/classes/opie.bbclass b/classes/opie.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..833ea4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/opie.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# This oeclass takes care about some of the itchy details of installing parts
+# of Opie applications. Depending on quicklaunch or not, plugin or not, the
+# TARGET is either a shared object, a shared object with a link to quicklauncher,
+# or a usual binary.
+# You have to provide two things: 1.) A proper SECTION field, and 2.) a proper APPNAME
+# Then opie.oeclass will:
+# * create the directory for the binary and install the binary file(s)
+# * for applications: create the directory for the .desktop and install the .desktop file
+# * for quicklauncher applications: create the startup symlink to the quicklauncher
+# You can override the automatic detection of APPTYPE, valid values are 'quicklaunch', 'binary', 'plugin'
+# You can override the default location of APPDESKTOP (<workdir>/apps/<section>/)
+inherit palmtop
+OPIE_CVS_PV ?= "1.2.2+cvs${SRCDATE}"
+OPIE_SRCREV ?= "8c3beef263bc9c34443eacfc821e99813e17554f"
+OPIE_GIT_PV ?= "1.2.4+gitr${OPIE_SRCREV}"
+DEPENDS_prepend = "${@["libopie2 ", ""][(bb.data.getVar('PN', d, 1) == 'libopie2')]}"
+# to be consistent, put all targets into workdir
+# NOTE: leave one space at the end, other files are expecting that
+# Opie standard TAG value
+TAG = "${@'v' + bb.data.getVar('PV',d,1).replace('.', '_')}"
+# plan for later:
+# add common scopes for opie applications, see qmake-native/common.pro
+# qmake should care about all the details then. qmake can do that, i know it :)
+python opie_do_opie_install() {
+ import os, shutil
+ section = bb.data.getVar( "SECTION", d ).split( '/' )[1] or "Applications"
+ section = section.title()
+ if section in ( "Base", "Libs" ):
+ bb.note( "Section = Base or Libs. Target won't be installed automatically." )
+ return
+ dirmap = { "Applets" : ( "/plugins/applets", None ),
+ "Applications" : ( "<BINDIR>", "/apps/Applications" ),
+ "Multimedia" : ( "<BINDIR>", "/apps/Applications" ),
+ "Games" : ( "<BINDIR>", "/apps/Games" ),
+ "Settings" : ( "<BINDIR>", "/apps/Settings" ),
+ "Pim" : ( "<BINDIR>", "/apps/1Pim" ),
+ "Examples" : ( "<BINDIR>", "/apps/Examples" ),
+ "Shell" : ( "/bin", "/apps/Opie-SH" ),
+ "Codecs" : ( "/plugins/codecs", None ),
+ "Decorations" : ( "/plugins/decorations", None ),
+ "Inputmethods" : ( "/plugins/inputmethods", None ),
+ "Fontfactories" : ( "/plugins/fontfactories", None ),
+ "Security" : ( "/plugins/security", None ),
+ "Styles" : ( "/plugins/styles", None ),
+ "Today" : ( "/plugins/today", None ),
+ "Datebook" : ( "/plugins/holidays", None ),
+ "Networksettings" : ( "/plugins/networksettings", None ) }
+ if section not in dirmap:
+ raise ValueError, "Unknown section '%s'. Valid sections are: %s" % ( section, dirmap.keys() )
+ bindir, desktopdir = dirmap[section]
+ APPNAME = bb.data.getVar( "APPNAME", d, True ) or bb.data.getVar( "PN", d, True )
+ APPTYPE = bb.data.getVar( "APPTYPE", d, True )
+ if not APPTYPE:
+ if bindir == "<BINDIR>":
+ APPTYPE = "quicklaunch"
+ else:
+ APPTYPE = "plugin"
+ appmap = { "binary":"/bin", "quicklaunch":"/plugins/application" }
+ if bindir == "<BINDIR>": bindir = appmap[APPTYPE]
+ bb.note( "Section='%s', bindir='%s', desktopdir='%s', name='%s', type='%s'" %
+ ( section, bindir, desktopdir, APPNAME, APPTYPE ) )
+ S = bb.data.getVar( "S", d, 1 )
+ D = "%s/image" % bb.data.getVar( "WORKDIR", d, True )
+ WORKDIR = bb.data.getVar( "WORKDIR", d, True )
+ palmtopdir = bb.data.getVar( "palmtopdir", d, True )
+ gnubindir = bb.data.getVar( "bindir", d, True )
+ APPDESKTOP = bb.data.getVar( "APPDESKTOP", d, True ) or "%s/%s" % ( WORKDIR, desktopdir )
+ if desktopdir is not None:
+ os.system( "install -d %s%s%s/" % ( D, palmtopdir, desktopdir ) )
+ os.system( "install -m 0644 %s/%s.desktop %s%s%s/" % ( APPDESKTOP, APPNAME, D, palmtopdir, desktopdir ) )
+ os.system( "install -d %s%s%s/" % ( D, palmtopdir, bindir ) )
+ if APPTYPE == "binary":
+ os.system( "install -d %s%s/" % ( D, gnubindir ) )
+ os.system( "install -m 0755 %s/%s %s%s/" % ( S, APPNAME, D, gnubindir ) )
+ elif APPTYPE == "quicklaunch":
+ os.system( "install -m 0755 %s/lib%s.so %s%s%s/" % ( S, APPNAME, D, palmtopdir, bindir ) )
+ os.system( "install -d %s%s/" % ( D, gnubindir ) )
+ os.system( "ln -sf %s/quicklauncher %s%s/%s" % ( gnubindir, D, gnubindir, APPNAME ) )
+ elif APPTYPE == "plugin":
+ os.system( "install -m 0755 %s/lib%s.so %s%s%s/" % ( S, APPNAME, D, palmtopdir, bindir ) )
+EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_opie_install
+addtask opie_install after do_compile before do_package
diff --git a/classes/opie_i18n.bbclass b/classes/opie_i18n.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9b0134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/opie_i18n.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# classes/opie_i18n.oeclass Matthias 'CoreDump' Hentges 16-10-2004
+# Automatically builds i18n ipks for opie packages. It downloads opie-i18n from opie CVS
+# and tries to guess the name of the .ts file based on the package name:
+# ${PN}.ts, lib${PN}.ts and opie-${PN}.ts are all valid. The .ts "guessing" can be
+# disabled by setting I18N_FILES in the .oe file.
+# Todo:
+I18N_STATS = "1"
+SRC_URI += "${OPIE_GIT};protocol=git;subpath=i18n"
+DEPENDS += "opie-i18n"
+die () {
+ printf "opie_18n: ERROR: $1\n"
+ exit 1
+python do_build_opie_i18n_data() {
+ import os, bb, re
+ workdir = bb.data.getVar("WORKDIR", d, 1)
+ packages = bb.data.getVar("PACKAGES", d, 1)
+ files = bb.data.getVar("FILES", d, 1)
+ section = bb.data.getVar("SECTION", d, 1)
+ pn = bb.data.getVar("PN", d, 1)
+ rdepends = bb.data.getVar("RDEPENDS", d, 1)
+ if os.path.exists(workdir + "/PACKAGES.tmp"):
+ fd = open(workdir + "/PACKAGES.tmp", 'r')
+ lines = fd.readlines()
+ fd.close()
+ bb.data.setVar('PACKAGES', " ".join(lines).lower() + " " + packages, d)
+ fd = open(workdir + "/FILES.tmp", 'r')
+ lines = fd.readlines()
+ fd.close()
+ for l in lines:
+ x = re.split("\#", l)
+ bb.data.setVar('FILES_%s' % x[0].lower(), " " + x[1].strip('\n'), d)
+ bb.data.setVar('SECTION_%s' % x[0].lower(), "opie/translations", d)
+ bb.data.setVar('RDEPENDS_%s' % x[0].lower(), pn, d)
+ bb.data.setVar('SECTION_%s' % pn, section, d)
+ bb.data.setVar('RDEPENDS', rdepends, d)
+ else:
+ bb.note("No translations found for package " + pn)
+do_build_opie_i18n () {
+ cd "${WORKDIR}/i18n" || die "ERROR:\nCouldn't find Opies i18n sources in ${PN}/i18n\nMake sure that <inherit opie_i18n> or <inherit opie> is *below* <SRC_URIS =>!"
+ if test -z "${I18N_FILES}"
+ then
+ package_name="`echo "${PN}"| sed "s/^opie\-//"`"
+ package_name2="`echo "${PN}"| sed "s/^opie\-//;s/\-//"`"
+ test "$package_name" != "$package_name2" && I18N_FILES="${package_name}.ts lib${package_name}.ts opie-${package_name}.ts ${package_name2}.ts lib${package_name2}.ts opie-${package_name2}.ts"
+ test "$package_name" = "$package_name2" && I18N_FILES="${package_name}.ts lib${package_name}.ts opie-${package_name}.ts"
+ printf "I18N Datafiles: ${I18N_FILES} (auto-detected)\nYou can overide the auto-detection by setting I18N_FILES in your .oe file\n"
+ else
+ echo "I18N Datafiles: ${I18N_FILES} (provided by .bb)"
+ fi
+ rm -f "${WORKDIR}/FILES.tmp" "${WORKDIR}/PACKAGES.tmp"
+ printf "\nFILES is set to [${FILES}]\n\n"
+ for file in ${I18N_FILES}
+ do
+ echo "Working on [$file]"
+ for ts_file in `ls -1 */*.ts | egrep "/$file"`
+ do
+ printf "\tCompiling [$ts_file]\n"
+ cd "${WORKDIR}/i18n/`dirname $ts_file`" || die "[${WORKDIR}/i18n/`dirname $ts_file`] not found"
+ opie-lrelease "`basename $ts_file`" || die "lrelease failed! Make sure that <inherit opie_i18n> or <inherit opie> is *below* <DEPENDS =>!"
+ # $lang is the language as in de_DE, $lang_sane replaces "_" with "-"
+ # to allow packaging as "_" is not allowed in a package name
+ lang="`echo "$ts_file" | sed -n "s#\(.*\)/\(.*\)#\1#p"`"
+ lang_sane="`echo "$ts_file" | sed -n "s#\(.*\)/\(.*\)#\1#p"|sed s/\_/\-/`"
+ printf "\tPackaging [`basename $ts_file`] for language [$lang]\n"
+ install -d ${D}${palmtopdir}/i18n/$lang
+ install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/i18n/$lang/.directory ${D}${palmtopdir}/i18n/$lang/
+ install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/i18n/$lang/*.qm "${D}${palmtopdir}/i18n/$lang/"
+ # As it is not possible to modify OE vars from within a _shell_ function,
+ # some major hacking was needed. These two files will be read by the python
+ # function do_build_opie_i18n_data() which sets the variables FILES_* and
+ # PACKAGES as needed.
+ echo -n "${PN}-${lang_sane} " >> "${WORKDIR}/PACKAGES.tmp"
+ printf "${PN}-${lang_sane}#${palmtopdir}/i18n/$lang" >> "${WORKDIR}/FILES.tmp\n"
+ ts_found_something=1
+ done
+ if test "$ts_found_something" != 1
+ then
+ printf "\tNo translations found\n"
+ else
+ ts_found_something=""
+ ts_found="$ts_found $file"
+ fi
+ # Only used for debugging purposes
+ test "${I18N_STATS}" = 1 && cd "${WORKDIR}/i18n"
+ printf "Completed [$file]\n\n\n"
+ done
+ qt_dirs="apps bin etc lib pics plugins share sounds"
+ for dir in $qt_dirs
+ do
+ dir_="$dir_ ${palmtopdir}/$dir "
+ done
+ # If we don't adjust FILES to exclude the i18n directory, we will end up with
+ # _lots_ of empty i18n/$lang directories in the original .ipk.
+ if (echo "${FILES}" | egrep "${palmtopdir}/? |${palmtopdir}/?$") &>/dev/null
+ then
+ echo "NOTE: FILES was set to ${palmtopdir} which would include the i18n directory"
+ printf "\n\nI'll remove ${palmtopdir} from FILES and replace it with all directories\n"
+ echo "below QtPalmtop, except i18n ($qt_dirs). See classes/opie_i18n.oeclass for details"
+ # Removes /opt/QtPalmtop from FILES but keeps /opt/QtPalmtop/$some_dir
+ FILES="`echo "$FILES"| sed "s#${palmtopdir}[/]\?\$\|${palmtopdir}[/]\? ##"`"
+ echo "${PN}#$FILES $dir_" >> "${WORKDIR}/FILES.tmp"
+ fi
+ # This is the common case for OPIE apps which are installed by opie.oeclass magic
+ if test -z "${FILES}"
+ then
+ echo "NOTE:"
+ printf "Since FILES is empty, i'll add all directories below ${palmtopdir} to it,\nexcluding i18n: ( $qt_dirs )\n"
+ echo "${PN}#$FILES $dir_" >> "${WORKDIR}/FILES.tmp"
+ fi
+ if ! test -e "${WORKDIR}/PACKAGES.tmp" -a "${I18N_STATS}" = 1
+ then
+ echo "No translations for package [${PN}]" >> /tmp/oe-i18n-missing.log
+ else
+ echo "Using [$ts_found ] for package [${PN}]" >> /tmp/oe-i18n.log
+ fi
+ # While this might not be very elegant, it safes a _ton_ of space (~30Mb) for
+ # each opie package.
+ for file in $(ls */*.ts | egrep -v "`echo "$ts_found"| sed "s/^\ //;s/\ /\|/"`")
+ do
+ rm "$file"
+ done
+ return 0
+addtask build_opie_i18n before do_compile
+addtask build_opie_i18n_data after do_build_opie_i18n before do_compile
diff --git a/classes/palmtop.bbclass b/classes/palmtop.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4ee62c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/palmtop.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# this build class sets up qmake variables to
+# * build using the Qt Windowing System (QWS)
+# * use qt
+# * link against supc++ instead of stdc++
+# * use threads, if requested via PALMTOP_USE_MULTITHREADED_QT = "yes"
+# inherit this class to build programs against libqpe
+# inherit opie if you want to build programs against libopie2
+# don't override EXTRA_QMAKEVARS_POST, if you use inherit this class
+inherit qmake
+# special case for DISTRO = sharprom
+CPP_SUPPORT_LIB = "LIBS-=-lstdc++ LIBS+=-lsupc++"
+CPP_SUPPORT_LIB_sharprom-compatible = "LIBS+=-lstdc++"
+EXTRA_QMAKEVARS_POST += '${@base_conditional("PALMTOP_USE_MULTITHREADED_QT", "yes", "CONFIG+=thread", "CONFIG-=thread",d)}'
+EXTRA_QMAKEVARS_POST += "${@["LIBS+=-lqpe ", ""][(bb.data.getVar('PN', d, 1) == 'libqpe-opie')]}"
+DEPENDS_prepend = "${@["virtual/libqpe1 uicmoc-native ", ""][(bb.data.getVar('PN', d, 1) == 'libqpe-opie')]}"
+QT_LIBRARY = '${@base_conditional("PALMTOP_USE_MULTITHREADED_QT", "yes", "qte-mt", "qte", d)}'
+EXTRA_QMAKEVARS_POST += " DEFINES+=OPIE_BINDIR='\"${bindir}\"' DEFINES+=OPIE_LIBDIR='\"${libdir}/opie/lib\"' DEFINES+=OPIE_QTDIR='\"${libdir}/opie\"' "
+PACKAGES = "${PN}-dbg ${PN}-dev ${PN} ${PN}-doc ${PN}-locale"
+FILES_${PN} += " ${palmtopdir} "
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += " ${palmtopdir}/lib/.debug \
+ ${palmtopdir}/bin/.debug \
+ ${palmtopdir}/plugins/*/.debug "
diff --git a/classes/qmake.bbclass b/classes/qmake.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40fc739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/qmake.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+inherit qmake_base
+DEPENDS_prepend = "qmake-native "
+export OE_QMAKE_CXXFLAGS="-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti ${CXXFLAGS}"
+export OE_QMAKE_LINK="${CCLD}"
+export OE_QMAKE_LIBS_QT="qte"
+export OE_QMAKE_LIBS_X11=""
diff --git a/classes/qmake_base.bbclass b/classes/qmake_base.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc3297c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/qmake_base.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# We override this completely to eliminate the -e normally passed in
+export OE_QMAKE_CC="${CC}"
+export OE_QMAKE_CXX="${CXX}"
+export OE_QMAKE_AR="${AR}"
+export OE_QMAKE_STRIP="echo"
+export OE_QMAKE_RPATH="-Wl,-rpath-link,"
+# do not export STRIP to the environment
+STRIP[unexport] = "1"
+# default to qte2 via bb.conf, inherit qt3x11 to configure for qt3x11
+oe_qmake_mkspecs () {
+ mkdir -p mkspecs/${OE_QMAKE_PLATFORM}
+ if [ -L $f ]; then
+ lnk=`readlink $f`
+ if [ -f mkspecs/${OE_QMAKE_PLATFORM}/$lnk ]; then
+ ln -s $lnk mkspecs/${OE_QMAKE_PLATFORM}/`basename $f`
+ else
+ cp $f mkspecs/${OE_QMAKE_PLATFORM}/
+ fi
+ else
+ cp $f mkspecs/${OE_QMAKE_PLATFORM}/
+ fi
+ done
+do_generate_qt_config_file() {
+ export QT_CONF_PATH=${WORKDIR}/qt.conf
+ cat > ${WORKDIR}/qt.conf <<EOF
+Prefix = ${STAGING_DIR}
+Binaries = ${BUILD_SYS}${bindir_native}
+Headers = ${BASEPKG_HOST_SYS}${layout_prefix}/include/qt4
+Plugins = ${BASEPKG_HOST_SYS}${layout_prefix}/lib/qt4/plugins/
+Mkspecs = ${BASEPKG_HOST_SYS}${layout_prefix}/share/qt4/mkspecs/
+addtask generate_qt_config_file after do_patch before do_configure
+qmake_base_do_configure() {
+ case ${QMAKESPEC} in
+ *linux-oe-g++|*linux-uclibc-oe-g++|*linux-gnueabi-oe-g++|*linux-uclibceabi-oe-g++|*linux-gnuspe-oe-g++|*linux-uclibcspe-oe-g++)
+ ;;
+ *-oe-g++)
+ die Unsupported target ${TARGET_OS} for oe-g++ qmake spec
+ ;;
+ *)
+ oenote Searching for qmake spec file
+ paths="${QMAKE_MKSPEC_PATH}/qws/${TARGET_OS}-${TARGET_ARCH}-g++"
+ paths="${QMAKE_MKSPEC_PATH}/${TARGET_OS}-g++ $paths"
+ if (echo "${TARGET_ARCH}"|grep -q 'i.86'); then
+ paths="${QMAKE_MKSPEC_PATH}/qws/${TARGET_OS}-x86-g++ $paths"
+ fi
+ for i in $paths; do
+ if test -e $i; then
+ export QMAKESPEC=$i
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ ;;
+ esac
+ oenote "using qmake spec in ${QMAKESPEC}, using profiles '${QMAKE_PROFILES}'"
+ if [ -z "${QMAKE_PROFILES}" ]; then
+ PROFILES="`ls ${S}/*.pro`"
+ else
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$PROFILES" ]; then
+ die "QMAKE_PROFILES not set and no profiles found in $PWD"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "${EXTRA_QMAKEVARS_POST}" ]; then
+ AFTER="-after"
+ oenote "qmake postvar substitution: ${EXTRA_QMAKEVARS_POST}"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "${EXTRA_QMAKEVARS_PRE}" ]; then
+ oenote "qmake prevar substitution: ${EXTRA_QMAKEVARS_PRE}"
+ fi
+ unset QMAKESPEC || true
+EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_configure
+addtask configure after do_unpack do_patch before do_compile
diff --git a/classes/qt3e.bbclass b/classes/qt3e.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3d4a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/qt3e.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# override variables set by qmake_base to compile Qt/X11 apps
+export QTDIR="${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/qte3"
+export QTEDIR="${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/qte3"
+export OE_QMAKE_INCDIR_QT="${STAGING_INCDIR}/qte3/include"
+export OE_QMAKE_LIBS_QT="qte"
diff --git a/classes/sdl.bbclass b/classes/sdl.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc4cd8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/sdl.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# (C) Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <mickey@Vanille.de>
+DEPENDS += "virtual/libsdl libsdl-mixer libsdl-image"
+APPDESKTOP ?= "${WORKDIR}/${PN}.desktop"
+APPNAME ?= "${PN}"
+APPIMAGE ?= "${WORKDIR}/${PN}.png"
+export SDL_CONFIG = "${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS}/sdl-config"
+sdl_do_sdl_install() {
+ install -d ${D}${datadir}/applications
+ install -d ${D}${datadir}/pixmaps
+ install -m 0644 ${APPIMAGE} ${D}${datadir}/pixmaps/${PN}.png
+ if [ -e "${APPDESKTOP}" ]
+ then
+ echo ${APPDESKTOP} present, using it...
+ install -m 0644 ${APPDESKTOP} ${D}${datadir}/applications/
+ else
+ echo ${APPDESKTOP} not present, creating one on-the-fly...
+ cat >${D}${datadir}/applications/${PN}.desktop <<EOF
+[Desktop Entry]
+Note=Auto Generated by OE SDL bbclass
+ fi
+EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_sdl_install
+addtask sdl_install after do_install before do_package
+#SECTION = "x11/games"
+#SECTION_${PN}-opie = "opie/games"
+#PACKAGES += "${PN}-opie"
+#RDEPENDS_${PN}-opie += "${PN}"
+#FILES_${PN}-opie = "${palmtopdir}"