diff options
authorRobert Yang <>2012-05-29 22:53:08 +0800
committerRichard Purdie <>2012-05-30 10:58:10 +0100
commite83d8e58a6b107eea87df0ec233a1bc932b2c6ea (patch)
parent57f843146ed62c04c23bc380dc8cb38aba264f1c (diff)
meta: replace os.popen with subprocess.Popen
Replace os.popen with subprocess.Popen since the older function would fail (more or less) silently if the executed program cannot be found There are both and bb.process.Popen() which wraps the subprocess module, use it for simplifying the code. Note: We don't need the "2>/dev/null" or "2>&1" since can handle it, it will raise exception when error occurs, we should handle the exception ourselves if we want to ignore the error. More info: [YOCTO #2454] Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
7 files changed, 53 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/debian.bbclass b/meta/classes/debian.bbclass
index 3637e2ebe7..963d11c129 100644
--- a/meta/classes/debian.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/debian.bbclass
@@ -60,10 +60,14 @@ python debian_package_name_hook () {
for f in files:
if so_re.match(f):
fp = os.path.join(root, f)
- cmd = (d.getVar('BUILD_PREFIX', True) or "") + "objdump -p " + fp + " 2>/dev/null"
- fd = os.popen(cmd)
- lines = fd.readlines()
- fd.close()
+ cmd = (d.getVar('BUILD_PREFIX', True) or "") + "objdump -p " + fp
+ try:
+ lines = ""
+ lines =[0]
+ # Some ".so" maybe ascii text, e.g: /usr/lib64/,
+ # ingore those errors.
+ except Exception:
+ sys.exc_clear()
for l in lines:
m = re.match("\s+SONAME\s+([^\s]*)", l)
if m and not in sonames:
diff --git a/meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass b/meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass
index df6d300666..7f9c83e7c7 100644
--- a/meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass
@@ -564,10 +564,10 @@ python do_checkpkg() {
gitproto = parm['protocol']
gitproto = "git"
- gitcmd = "git ls-remote %s://%s%s%s *tag* 2>&1" % (gitproto, gituser, host, path)
- gitcmd2 = "git ls-remote %s://%s%s%s HEAD 2>&1" % (gitproto, gituser, host, path)
- tmp = os.popen(gitcmd).read()
- tmp2 = os.popen(gitcmd2).read()
+ gitcmd = "git ls-remote %s://%s%s%s *tag*" % (gitproto, gituser, host, path)
+ gitcmd2 = "git ls-remote %s://%s%s%s HEAD" % (gitproto, gituser, host, path)
+ tmp =[0]
+ tmp2 =[0]
#This is for those repo have tag like: refs/tags/1.2.2
if tmp:
tmpline = tmp.split("\n")
@@ -613,9 +613,9 @@ python do_checkpkg() {
if 'rev' in parm:
pcurver = parm['rev']
- svncmd = "svn info %s %s://%s%s/%s/ 2>&1" % (" ".join(options), svnproto, host, path, parm["module"])
+ svncmd = "svn info %s %s://%s%s/%s/" % (" ".join(options), svnproto, host, path, parm["module"])
print svncmd
- svninfo = os.popen(svncmd).read()
+ svninfo =[0]
for line in svninfo.split("\n"):
if"^Last Changed Rev:", line):
pupver = line.split(" ")[-1]
diff --git a/meta/classes/icecc.bbclass b/meta/classes/icecc.bbclass
index ae74050f6b..64a182e523 100644
--- a/meta/classes/icecc.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/icecc.bbclass
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def create_path(compilers, bb, d):
staging += "-kernel"
#check if the icecc path is set by the user
- icecc = d.getVar('ICECC_PATH') or os.popen("which icecc").read()[:-1]
+ icecc = d.getVar('ICECC_PATH') or"which icecc")[0][:-1]
# Create the dir if necessary
@@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ def icc_path(bb,d):
def icc_get_tool(bb, d, tool):
if icc_is_native(bb, d):
- return os.popen("which %s" % tool).read()[:-1]
+ return"which %s" % tool)[0][:-1]
elif icc_is_kernel(bb, d):
- return os.popen("which %s" % get_cross_kernel_cc(bb, d)).read()[:-1]
+ return"which %s" % get_cross_kernel_cc(bb, d))[0][:-1]
ice_dir = d.expand('${STAGING_BINDIR_TOOLCHAIN}')
target_sys = d.expand('${TARGET_SYS}')
diff --git a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
index 4d139e813f..fa7b5f0bc2 100644
--- a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
@@ -154,14 +154,29 @@ def package_qa_check_rpath(file,name, d, elf, messages):
if not bad_dirs[0] in d.getVar('WORKDIR', True):
bb.fatal("This class assumed that WORKDIR is ${TMPDIR}/work... Not doing any check")
- output = os.popen("%s -B -F%%r#F '%s'" % (scanelf,file))
- txt = output.readline().split()
+ output, errors ="%s -B -F%%r#F '%s'" % (scanelf,file))
+ txt = output.split()
for line in txt:
for dir in bad_dirs:
if dir in line:
messages.append("package %s contains bad RPATH %s in file %s" % (name, line, file))
QAPATHTEST[useless-rpaths] = "package_qa_check_useless_rpaths"
+def package_qa_get_objdump(d, path):
+ """
+ Get the result of objdump, ignore the errors since not all files can be objdumped
+ """
+ env_path = d.getVar('PATH', True)
+ objdump = d.getVar('OBJDUMP', True)
+ try:
+ lines = ""
+ lines ="LC_ALL=C PATH=%s %s -p '%s'" % (env_path, objdump, path))[0]
+ except Exception:
+ sys.exc_clear()
+ return lines
def package_qa_check_useless_rpaths(file, name, d, elf, messages):
Check for RPATHs that are useless but not dangerous
@@ -169,15 +184,12 @@ def package_qa_check_useless_rpaths(file, name, d, elf, messages):
if not elf:
- objdump = d.getVar('OBJDUMP', True)
- env_path = d.getVar('PATH', True)
libdir = d.getVar("libdir", True)
base_libdir = d.getVar("base_libdir", True)
import re
rpath_re = re.compile("\s+RPATH\s+(.*)")
- for line in os.popen("LC_ALL=C PATH=%s %s -p '%s' 2> /dev/null" % (env_path, objdump, file), "r"):
+ for line in package_qa_get_objdump(d, file):
m = rpath_re.match(line)
if m:
rpath =
@@ -369,7 +381,7 @@ def package_qa_check_desktop(path, name, d, elf, messages):
if path.endswith(".desktop"):
desktop_file_validate = os.path.join(d.getVar('STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE',True),'desktop-file-validate')
- output = os.popen("%s %s" % (desktop_file_validate, path))
+ output, errors ="%s %s" % (desktop_file_validate, path))
# This only produces output on errors
for l in output:
messages.append("Desktop file issue: " + l.strip())
@@ -392,14 +404,11 @@ def package_qa_hash_style(path, name, d, elf, messages):
if not gnu_hash:
- objdump = d.getVar('OBJDUMP', True)
- env_path = d.getVar('PATH', True)
sane = False
has_syms = False
# If this binary has symbols, we expect it to have GNU_HASH too.
- for line in os.popen("LC_ALL=C PATH=%s %s -p '%s' 2> /dev/null" % (env_path, objdump, path), "r"):
+ for line in package_qa_get_objdump(d, path):
if "SYMTAB" in line:
has_syms = True
if "GNU_HASH" in line:
diff --git a/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass b/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass
index 116e10b9de..d74361bf93 100644
--- a/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ python populate_packages_prepend () {
path = d.getVar("PATH", True)
cmd = "PATH=\"%s\" depmod -n -a -b %s -F %s/boot/ %s" % (path, dvar, dvar, kernelver, kernelver_stripped)
- f = os.popen(cmd, 'r')
+ f = bb.process.Popen(cmd, shell=True).stdout
deps = {}
pattern0 = "^(.*\.k?o):..*$"
diff --git a/meta/classes/metadata_scm.bbclass b/meta/classes/metadata_scm.bbclass
index 62650be675..5af593ae46 100644
--- a/meta/classes/metadata_scm.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/metadata_scm.bbclass
@@ -60,18 +60,16 @@ def base_get_metadata_svn_revision(path, d):
return revision
def base_get_metadata_git_branch(path, d):
- branch = os.popen('cd %s; git branch 2>&1 | grep "^* " | tr -d "* "' % path).read()
+ branch ='cd %s; git branch | grep "^* " | tr -d "* "' % path)[0]
if len(branch) != 0:
return branch
return "<unknown>"
def base_get_metadata_git_revision(path, d):
- f = os.popen("cd %s; git log -n 1 --pretty=oneline -- 2>&1" % path)
- data =
- if f.close() is None:
- rev = data.split(" ")[0]
- if len(rev) != 0:
- return rev
+ rev ="cd %s; git log -n 1 --pretty=oneline" % path)[0]
+ if len(rev) != 0:
+ rev = rev.split(" ")[0]
+ return rev
return "<unknown>"
diff --git a/meta/classes/package.bbclass b/meta/classes/package.bbclass
index 41139ef921..bc83bfbf4e 100644
--- a/meta/classes/package.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/package.bbclass
@@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ python emit_pkgdata() {
def get_directory_size(dir):
if os.listdir(dir):
- size = int(os.popen('du -sk %s' % dir).readlines()[0].split('\t')[0])
+ size = int('du -sk %s' % dir)[0].split('\t')[0])
size = 0
return size
@@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@ python package_do_filedeps() {
rpfiles.append(os.path.join(root, file))
for files in chunks(rpfiles, 100):
- dep_pipe = os.popen(rpmdeps + " " + " ".join(files))
+ dep_pipe = bb.process.Popen(rpmdeps + " " + " ".join(files), shell=True).stdout
process_deps(dep_pipe, pkg, provides_files, requires_files)
@@ -1263,11 +1263,15 @@ python package_do_shlibs() {
def linux_so(root, path, file):
needs_ldconfig = False
- cmd = d.getVar('OBJDUMP', True) + " -p " + pipes.quote(os.path.join(root, file)) + " 2>/dev/null"
+ cmd = d.getVar('OBJDUMP', True) + " -p " + pipes.quote(os.path.join(root, file))
cmd = "PATH=\"%s\" %s" % (d.getVar('PATH', True), cmd)
- fd = os.popen(cmd)
- lines = fd.readlines()
- fd.close()
+ try:
+ lines = ""
+ lines =[0]
+ # Some ".so" maybe ascii text, e.g: /usr/lib64/,
+ # ingore those errors.
+ except Exception:
+ sys.exc_clear()
for l in lines:
m = re.match("\s+NEEDED\s+([^\s]*)", l)
if m: