# This file is part of U-Boot verified boot support and is intended to be # inherited from u-boot recipe and from kernel-fitimage.bbclass. # # The signature procedure requires the user to generate an RSA key and # certificate in a directory and to define the following variable: # # UBOOT_SIGN_KEYDIR = "/keys/directory" # UBOOT_SIGN_KEYNAME = "dev" # keys name in keydir (eg. "dev.crt", "dev.key") # UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS = "-I dts -O dtb -p 2000" # UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE = "1" # # As verified boot depends on fitImage generation, following is also required: # # KERNEL_CLASSES ?= " kernel-fitimage " # KERNEL_IMAGETYPE ?= "fitImage" # # The signature support is limited to the use of CONFIG_OF_SEPARATE in U-Boot. # # The tasks sequence is set as below, using DEPLOY_IMAGE_DIR as common place to # treat the device tree blob: # # u-boot:do_deploy_dtb # u-boot:do_deploy # virtual/kernel:do_assemble_fitimage # u-boot:do_concat_dtb # u-boot:do_install # # For more details on signature process, please refer to U-boot documentation. # Signature activation. UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE ?= "0" # Default value for deployment filenames. UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE ?= "u-boot-${MACHINE}-${PV}-${PR}.dtb" UBOOT_DTB_BINARY ?= "u-boot.dtb" UBOOT_DTB_SYMLINK ?= "u-boot-${MACHINE}.dtb" UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE ?= "u-boot-nodtb-${MACHINE}-${PV}-${PR}.${UBOOT_SUFFIX}" UBOOT_NODTB_BINARY ?= "u-boot-nodtb.${UBOOT_SUFFIX}" UBOOT_NODTB_SYMLINK ?= "u-boot-nodtb-${MACHINE}.${UBOOT_SUFFIX}" # # Following is relevant only for u-boot recipes: # do_deploy_dtb () { mkdir -p ${DEPLOYDIR} cd ${DEPLOYDIR} if [ -f ${B}/${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY} ]; then install ${B}/${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY} ${DEPLOYDIR}/${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE} rm -f ${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY} ${UBOOT_DTB_SYMLINK} ln -sf ${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE} ${UBOOT_DTB_SYMLINK} ln -sf ${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE} ${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY} fi if [ -f ${B}/${UBOOT_NODTB_BINARY} ]; then install ${B}/${UBOOT_NODTB_BINARY} ${DEPLOYDIR}/${UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE} rm -f ${UBOOT_NODTB_BINARY} ${UBOOT_NODTB_SYMLINK} ln -sf ${UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE} ${UBOOT_NODTB_SYMLINK} ln -sf ${UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE} ${UBOOT_NODTB_BINARY} fi } do_concat_dtb () { # Concatenate U-Boot w/o DTB & DTB with public key # (cf. kernel-fitimage.bbclass for more details) if [ "x${UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE}" = "x1" ]; then if [ "x${UBOOT_SUFFIX}" = "ximg" -a -e "${DEPLOYDIR}/${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE}" ]; then oe_runmake EXT_DTB=${DEPLOYDIR}/${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE} install ${S}/${UBOOT_BINARY} ${DEPLOYDIR}/${UBOOT_IMAGE} install ${S}/${UBOOT_BINARY} ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${UBOOT_IMAGE} elif [ -e "${DEPLOYDIR}/${UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE}" -a -e "${DEPLOYDIR}/${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE}" ]; then cd ${DEPLOYDIR} cat ${UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE} ${UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE} | tee ${B}/${UBOOT_BINARY} > ${UBOOT_IMAGE} else bbwarn "Failure while adding public key to u-boot binary. Verified boot won't be available." fi fi } python () { uboot_pn = d.getVar('PREFERRED_PROVIDER_u-boot', True) or 'u-boot' if d.getVar('UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE', True) == '1' and d.getVar('PN', True) == uboot_pn: kernel_pn = d.getVar('PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel', True) # u-boot.dtb and u-boot-nodtb.bin are deployed _before_ do_deploy # Thus, do_deploy_setscene will also populate them in DEPLOY_IMAGE_DIR bb.build.addtask('do_deploy_dtb', 'do_deploy', 'do_compile', d) # do_concat_dtb is scheduled _before_ do_install as it overwrite the # u-boot.bin in both DEPLOYDIR and DEPLOY_IMAGE_DIR. bb.build.addtask('do_concat_dtb', 'do_install', None, d) d.appendVarFlag('do_concat_dtb', 'depends', ' %s:do_assemble_fitimage' % kernel_pn) }