diff options
authorKoen Kooi <koen@openembedded.org>2006-10-07 12:29:32 +0000
committerKoen Kooi <koen@openembedded.org>2006-10-07 12:29:32 +0000
commited07a831aed13931028a2e8bdd1febc2bdbcc935 (patch)
parentb14a787f8a5d8aad6723c205296b38d02c08790d (diff)
packaged-staging.bbclass: Add a class to put staging/ under package management
* see the notes inside the class how to use it * to view development history, have a look at the org.openembedded.packaged-staging branch
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/classes/packaged-staging.bbclass b/classes/packaged-staging.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a2a03ca17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/packaged-staging.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# Populated ${STAGING} using packages
+# To use it add that line to conf/local.conf:
+# INHERIT += "packaged-staging"
+# You also need ipkg-cl and ipkg-make-index installed on your host
+# put stage-manager and ipkg-build from org.openembedded.packaged-staging/contrib/ in your $PATH
+# BUGS:
+# * does not distinguish between -native, -cross and other packages
+# TODO:
+# * also build a feed for native and cross packages
+# * make package detection a bit smarter (search for compatible archs)
+# * make do_clean clean staging as well
+# Summary:
+# This class will have two modes of operation:
+# PSTAGE_MODE = 'repopulate': repopulated staging from scratch for each packages
+# PSTAGE_MODE = 'append': append each package to staging (current behaviour)
+inherit package
+PSTAGE_INSTALL_CMD = "ipkg-cl install -force-depends -f ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/ipkg.conf -o "
+PSTAGE_UPDATE_CMD = "ipkg-cl update -f ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/ipkg.conf -o "
+PSTAGE_LIST_CMD = "ipkg-cl list_installed -f ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/ipkg.conf -o "
+PSTAGE_PKGNAME = "staging-${PN}_${PV}-${PR}_${PACKAGE_ARCH}.ipk"
+PCROSS_PKGNAME = "cross-${PN}_${PV}-${PR}_${BUILD_ARCH}.ipk"
+SPAWNFILE = "${STAGING_DIR}/pkgmaps/${P}-${PR}.spawn"
+SPAWNIPK = ${spawn}
+PACKAGEFUNCS += "do_write_ipk_list"
+python do_write_ipk_list () {
+ import os, sys
+ ipkdir = bb.data.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_IPK', d, 1)
+ stagingdir = bb.data.getVar('STAGING_DIR', d, 1)
+ tmpdir = bb.data.getVar('TMPDIR', d, 1)
+ p = bb.data.getVar('P', d, 1)
+ pr = bb.data.getVar('PR', d, 1)
+ packages = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, 1)
+ if not packages:
+ bb.debug(1, "PACKAGES not defined, nothing to package")
+ return
+ if packages == []:
+ bb.debug(1, "No packages; nothing to do")
+ return
+ # Generate ipk.conf if it or the stamp doesnt exist
+ listfile = os.path.join(stagingdir,"pkgmaps","%s-%s.spawn" % ( p , pr ))
+ os.system('mkdir -p ' + stagingdir + '/pkgmaps')
+ if not os.access(listfile, os.R_OK):
+ os.system('rm -f ' + listfile)
+ f = open(listfile,"w")
+ for spawn in packages.split():
+ #check if the packagename has changed due to debian shlib renaming
+ localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d)
+ pkgname = bb.data.getVar('PKG_%s' % spawn, localdata, 1)
+ if not pkgname:
+ pkgname = spawn
+ f.write("%s\n" % pkgname)
+ f.close()
+do_clean_append() {
+ """clear the build and temp directories"""
+ stagepkg = bb.data.expand("${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/${PSTAGE_PKGNAME}", d)
+ if stagepkg == '//': raise bb.build.FuncFailed("wrong DATADIR")
+ bb.note("removing " + stagepkg)
+ os.system('rm -rf ' + stagepkg)
+do_stage_prepend() {
+ stage-manager -p ${STAGING_DIR} -c ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/staging-stamp-cache -u
+ stage-manager -p ${CROSS_DIR} -c ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/cross-stamp-cache -u
+ if [ ! -e ${STAGING_BASEDIR} ]; then
+ mkdir -p ${STAGING_BASEDIR}
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE} ]; then
+ mkdir -p ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}
+ fi
+ if [ -e ${STAGING_BASEDIR}/usr ]; then
+ oenote "${STAGING_BASEDIR}/usr already present, leaving it alone"
+ else
+ oenote "${STAGING_BASEDIR}/usr not present, symlinking it"
+ fi
+ #assemble appropriate ipkg.conf
+ if [ -e ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/ipkg.conf ]; then
+ rm ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/ipkg.conf
+ fi
+ ipkgarchs="${BUILD_ARCH} all any noarch ${TARGET_ARCH} ${IPKG_ARCHS} ${IPKG_EXTRA_ARCHS} ${MACHINE}"
+ priority=1
+ for arch in $ipkgarchs; do
+ echo "arch $arch $priority" >> ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/ipkg.conf
+ priority=$(expr $priority + 5)
+ done
+ echo "src oe file:${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK}" >> ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/ipkg.conf
+ export OLD_PWD=`pwd`
+ cd ${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK} && rm *${BUILD_ARCH}.ipk -f ; ipkg-make-index -p Packages . ; cd ${OLD_PWD}
+ #check for generated packages
+ if [ -e ${SPAWNFILE} ]; then
+ oenote "List of spawned packages found: ${P}.spawn"
+ for spawn in `cat ${SPAWNFILE} | grep -v locale | grep -v dbg | grep -v gconv | grep -v charmap` ; do \
+ if [ -e ${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK}/${spawn}_* ]; then
+ # clean up .la files to avoid having references to the builddirs in the binaries
+ for lafile in ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/*.la ; do \
+ sed -i s:installed=yes:installed=no:g ${lafile} || true
+ done
+ #fix up linker script to poin to staging
+ if [ -e ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/libc.so ]; then
+ sed -i s:\ /lib:\ ${STAGING_LIBDIR}:g ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/libc.so
+ sed -i s:\ /usr/lib:\ ${STAGING_LIBDIR}:g ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/libc.so
+ fi
+ else
+ oenote "${spawn} not found, probably empty package"
+ fi
+ done
+ exit 0
+ else
+ oenote "Spawn file not found!"
+ fi
+ if [ -e ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/${PCROSS_PKGNAME} ]; then
+ oenote "Cross stuff already packaged, using that instead"
+ fi
+ if [ -e ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/${PSTAGE_PKGNAME} ]; then
+ oenote "Staging stuff already packaged, using that instead"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ mkdir -p ${STAGING_BINDIR}
+ mkdir -p ${STAGING_LIBDIR}
+ mkdir -p ${STAGING_INCDIR}
+ mkdir -p ${STAGING_DATADIR}/aclocal
+do_stage_append() {
+ mkdir -p ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}
+ # list the packages currently installed in staging
+ ${PSTAGE_LIST_CMD} ${STAGING_DIR} | awk '{print $1}' > ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/installed-staging_list
+ ${PSTAGE_LIST_CMD} ${CROSS_DIR} | awk '{print $1}' > ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/installed-cross_list
+ set +e
+ stage-manager -p ${STAGING_DIR} -c ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/staging-stamp-cache -u -d ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}
+ rc=$?
+ set -e
+ if [ $rc == 5 ]; then
+ #make a package for staging
+ echo "Package: staging-${PN}" > ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control
+ echo "Version: ${PV}-${PR}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control
+ echo "Description: ${DESCRIPTION}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control
+ echo "Section: ${SECTION}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control
+ echo "Priority: Optional" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control
+ echo "Maintainer: ${MAINTAINER}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control
+ echo "Architecture: ${PACKAGE_ARCH}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control
+ echo "Source: ${SRC_URI}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control
+ fi
+ set +e
+ stage-manager -p ${CROSS_DIR} -c ${DEPLOY_DIR_PSTAGE}/cross-stamp-cache -u -d ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_CROSS}
+ rc=$?
+ set -e
+ if [ $rc == 5 ]; then
+ #make a package for cross
+ echo "Package: cross-${PN}" > ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_CROSS}/CONTROL/control
+ echo "Version: ${PV}-${PR}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_CROSS}/CONTROL/control
+ echo "Description: ${DESCRIPTION}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_CROSS}/CONTROL/control
+ echo "Section: ${SECTION}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_CROSS}/CONTROL/control
+ echo "Priority: Optional" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_CROSS}/CONTROL/control
+ echo "Maintainer: ${MAINTAINER}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_CROSS}/CONTROL/control
+ echo "Architecture: ${BUILD_ARCH}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_CROSS}/CONTROL/control
+ echo "Source: ${SRC_URI}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_CROSS}/CONTROL/control
+ fi