path: root/gpe-bootsplash
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2004-11-09Disable bk EOLN_NATIVE conversions on all files in packages FILESPATHs, to ↵Chris Larson
prevent it screwing up patches. BKrev: 4190111fA4MuVozAqwE7xOSL9fr-TA
2004-09-30apply patches improving the gpe experience on c7x0. patches courtesy Tim ↵Michael Lauer
Dodge - thanks. BKrev: 415c8681gtjoglGRYkDk3-4wilMhOg
2004-09-10update gpe-bootsplash to 1.13Phil Blundell
BKrev: 414209246698F8ApVEMV19I3Zv0boQ
2004-09-05update gpe-bootsplash to 1.12Phil Blundell
BKrev: 413af7edyD-CEayV8vxaspmC8mDa5Q
2004-07-06try to get logo the right way up on colliePhil Blundell
BKrev: 40eadb94tGL-SuNz3CfsZLb3cxuOAg
2004-07-06change to vt 2 before showing bannerPhil Blundell
BKrev: 40eab28bpgzrP-nr1lEisDs8GUjsgA
2004-07-06add errno.patchPhil Blundell
BKrev: 40ea82ab-oZMr6Iy6P78B7-9nqPNkA
2004-07-06update gpe-bootsplash to 1.11Phil Blundell
BKrev: 40ea7bb8K0ecp5G1OizwbuBpp7bK1A
2004-07-03move initscript to S02Phil Blundell
BKrev: 40e6ac60s6-ZoW_l8me-LfP0p0AKGA
2004-07-03add FILESPhil Blundell
BKrev: 40e6ab2ezDlh7XAfxP4Ncz8Hw5YCjg
2004-07-03add gpe-bootsplashPhil Blundell
BKrev: 40e6a9a8ctPP2wMhVKVKXWFLn03y4A