HOMEPAGE = "http://www.enlightenment.org" SECTION = "e/apps" SRCNAME ?= "${PN}" SRC_URI = "svn://svn.enlightenment.org/svn/e/trunk;module=${SRCNAME};proto=http" S = "${WORKDIR}/${SRCNAME}" ARM_INSTRUCTION_SET = "arm" inherit autotools pkgconfig binconfig do_prepsources () { make clean distclean || true } addtask prepsources after do_patch before do_configure do_configure_append() { find ${S} -name Makefile | xargs sed -i s:'-I$(includedir)':'-I.':g } export CURL_CONFIG = "${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS}/curl-config" export FREETYPE_CONFIG = "${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS}/freetype-config" # This construction is stupid, someone with more E knowledge should change it to =+ or something # And it's in efl.bbclass as well.... PACKAGES = "${PN}-dbg ${PN}-themes ${PN} ${PN}-dev ${PN}-doc ${PN}-lib ${PN}-static" FILES_${PN}-lib = "${libdir}/lib*.so.*" FILES_${PN}-themes = "${datadir}/${PN}/themes ${datadir}/${PN}/data ${datadir}/${PN}/fonts ${datadir}/${PN}/pointers ${datadir}/${PN}/images ${datadir}/${PN}/users ${datadir}/${PN}/images ${datadir}/${PN}/styles" FILES_${PN}-dev += "${includedir} ${libdir}/lib*.so"