# general configuration file for freezing a distribution # # If freeze.conf is included (include conf/distro/freeze.conf) in the # distro conf file it will define BBFILES from the information in # ${DISTRO}-bbfiles.conf or ${DISTRO}-packages.conf (whichever # exists in that order of preference.) # # NOTE that these conf files use ${PKGDIR} and therefore that # variable must be defined before this file is included, or the # definition below (${TOPDIR}/openmebedded) must be correct. # PKGDIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/openembedded" FROZEN_DIR ?= "/non/-existent/-directory/-for/-security" # Pull in the frozen definitions (if they exist) The multiple # includes allow the frozen file to be stored alongside local.conf # and in the conf/distro directory - the former take precedence over # the latter. include conf/distro/${DISTRO}-packages.conf include conf/${DISTRO}-packages.conf include ${FROZEN_DIR}/${DISTRO}-packages.conf include conf/distro/${DISTRO}-bbfiles.conf include conf/${DISTRO}-bbfiles.conf include ${FROZEN_DIR}/${DISTRO}-bbfiles.conf