def join(a, *p): """Like os.path.join but doesn't treat absolute RHS specially""" path = a for b in p: if path == '' or path.endswith('/'): path += b else: path += '/' + b return path def relative(src, dest): """ Return a relative path from src to dest. >>> relative("/usr/bin", "/tmp/foo/bar") ../../tmp/foo/bar >>> relative("/usr/bin", "/usr/lib") ../lib >>> relative("/tmp", "/tmp/foo/bar") foo/bar """ from os.path import sep, pardir, normpath, commonprefix destlist = normpath(dest).split(sep) srclist = normpath(src).split(sep) # Find common section of the path common = commonprefix([destlist, srclist]) commonlen = len(common) # Climb back to the point where they differentiate relpath = [ pardir ] * (len(srclist) - commonlen) if commonlen < len(destlist): # Add remaining portion relpath += destlist[commonlen:] return sep.join(relpath) def format_display(path, metadata): """ Prepare a path for display to the user. """ rel = relative(metadata.getVar("TOPDIR", 1), path) if len(rel) > len(path): return path else: return rel