# The Boost web site provides free peer-reviewed portable # C++ source libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which # work well with the C++ Standard Library. The libraries are # intended to be widely useful, and are in regular use by # thousands of programmers across a broad spectrum of applications. DESCRIPTION = "Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries" HOMEPAGE = "http://www.boost.org/" SECTION = "libs" DEPENDS = "zlib bzip2 python expat" PRIORITY = "optional" LICENSE = "Boost Software License" PR = "r0" ARM_INSTRUCTION_SET = "arm" BOOST_VER = "${@"_".join(bb.data.getVar("PV",d,1).split("."))}" BOOST_MAJ = "${@"_".join(bb.data.getVar("PV",d,1).split(".")[0:2])}" BOOST_P = "boost_${BOOST_VER}" inherit cmake EXTRA_OECMAKE = "-DBUILD_SHARED=ON \ -DBUILD_MULTI_THREADED=ON \ -DBUILD_RELEASE=ON \ -DBUILD_DEBUG=OFF \ -DWITH_MPI:BOOL=OFF \ -DINSTALL_VERSIONED:BOOL=OFF \ " BOOST_LIBS = "\ date_time \ filesystem \ graph \ iostreams \ program_options \ python \ regex \ serialization \ signals \ system \ test \ thread \ " # FIXME: for some reason this fails on powerpc #BOOST_LIBS += "serialization" # To enable python, uncomment the following: #BOOST_LIBS += "python" #DEPENDS += "python" #PYTHON_ROOT = "${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/${layout_prefix}" #PYTHON_VERSION = "2.5" S = "${WORKDIR}/${BOOST_P}" # Make a package for each library, plus -dev PACKAGES = "${PN}-dbg ${BOOST_PACKAGES}" python __anonymous () { import bb packages = [] extras = [] for lib in bb.data.getVar('BOOST_LIBS', d, 1).split( ): pkg = "boost-%s" % lib.replace("_", "-") extras.append("--with-%s" % lib) packages.append(pkg) if not bb.data.getVar("FILES_%s" % pkg, d, 1): bb.data.setVar("FILES_%s" % pkg, "${libdir}/libboost_%s*.so*" % lib, d) bb.data.setVar("BOOST_PACKAGES", " ".join(packages), d) } # Override the contents of specific packages FILES_boost-serialization = "${libdir}/libboost_serialization*.so* \ ${libdir}/libboost_wserialization*.so*" FILES_boost-test = "${libdir}/libboost_prg_exec_monitor*.so \ ${libdir}/libboost_unit_test_framework*.so*" # -dev last to pick up the remaining stuff PACKAGES += "${PN}-dev" FILES_${PN}-dev = "${includedir} ${libdir}/libboost_*.so ${libdir}/libboost_*.a" # "boost" is a metapackage which pulls in all boost librabries PACKAGES += "${PN}" RRECOMMENDS_${PN} += "${BOOST_PACKAGES}"