require DESCRIPTION = "After I took a couple of courses in Theoretical Computer Science, I started to like regular expression. When I realized that the package was not available on the bug platform, I loved the idea of creating my own regexp bundle. \ This bundle uses 'dk.brics.automaton(c)': developed by Anders Moeller. \ To uses the package just export _**_ in your manifest file. Also Take a look at 'RegExpSample': to see how to use this package. Download both this application and RegExpSample to Dragonfly or your BUG.\ Regular expressions basic syntax:\ UNION\ unionexp ::= interexp | unionexp (union) \ interexp ::= concatexp & interexp (intersection) [OPTIONAL]\ CONCAT\ concatexp ::= repeatexp concatexp (concatenation) \ REPEAT\ repeatexp ::= repeatexp ? (zero or one occurrence) \ | repeatexp * (zero or more occurrences) \ | repeatexp + (one or more occurrences) \ | repeatexp {n} (n occurrences) \ | repeatexp {n,} (n or more occurrences) \ | repeatexp {n,m} (n to m occurrences, including both) \ | complexp \ " HOMEPAGE = "" PV = "2" SRC_LINK = "" APIVERSION = ""