path: root/tools/node_modules/expresso/deps/jscoverage/js/jsscope.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/node_modules/expresso/deps/jscoverage/js/jsscope.cpp')
1 files changed, 1955 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/node_modules/expresso/deps/jscoverage/js/jsscope.cpp b/tools/node_modules/expresso/deps/jscoverage/js/jsscope.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f9bc0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/node_modules/expresso/deps/jscoverage/js/jsscope.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1955 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sw=4 et tw=78:
+ *
+ * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
+ * March 31, 1998.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Netscape Communications Corporation.
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ *
+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
+ * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+ * JS symbol tables.
+ */
+#include "jsstddef.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "jstypes.h"
+#include "jsarena.h"
+#include "jsbit.h"
+#include "jsclist.h"
+#include "jsdhash.h"
+#include "jsutil.h" /* Added by JSIFY */
+#include "jsapi.h"
+#include "jsatom.h"
+#include "jscntxt.h"
+#include "jsdbgapi.h"
+#include "jslock.h"
+#include "jsnum.h"
+#include "jsscope.h"
+#include "jsstr.h"
+JSScope *
+js_GetMutableScope(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
+ JSScope *scope, *newscope;
+ JSClass *clasp;
+ uint32 freeslot;
+ scope = OBJ_SCOPE(obj);
+ if (scope->object == obj)
+ return scope;
+ newscope = js_NewScope(cx, 0, scope->map.ops, LOCKED_OBJ_GET_CLASS(obj),
+ obj);
+ if (!newscope)
+ return NULL;
+ JS_LOCK_SCOPE(cx, newscope);
+ obj->map = js_HoldObjectMap(cx, &newscope->map);
+ JS_ASSERT(newscope->map.freeslot == JSSLOT_FREE(STOBJ_GET_CLASS(obj)));
+ clasp = STOBJ_GET_CLASS(obj);
+ if (clasp->reserveSlots) {
+ freeslot = JSSLOT_FREE(clasp) + clasp->reserveSlots(cx, obj);
+ if (freeslot > STOBJ_NSLOTS(obj))
+ freeslot = STOBJ_NSLOTS(obj);
+ if (newscope->map.freeslot < freeslot)
+ newscope->map.freeslot = freeslot;
+ }
+ scope = (JSScope *) js_DropObjectMap(cx, &scope->map, obj);
+ JS_TRANSFER_SCOPE_LOCK(cx, scope, newscope);
+ return newscope;
+ * JSScope uses multiplicative hashing, _a la_ jsdhash.[ch], but specialized
+ * to minimize footprint. But if a scope has fewer than SCOPE_HASH_THRESHOLD
+ * entries, we use linear search and avoid allocating scope->table.
+ */
+#define MIN_SCOPE_SIZE_LOG2 4
+#define SCOPE_TABLE_NBYTES(n) ((n) * sizeof(JSScopeProperty *))
+static void
+InitMinimalScope(JSScope *scope)
+ scope->shape = 0;
+ scope->hashShift = JS_DHASH_BITS - MIN_SCOPE_SIZE_LOG2;
+ scope->entryCount = scope->removedCount = 0;
+ scope->table = NULL;
+ scope->lastProp = NULL;
+static JSBool
+CreateScopeTable(JSContext *cx, JSScope *scope, JSBool report)
+ int sizeLog2;
+ JSScopeProperty *sprop, **spp;
+ JS_ASSERT(!scope->table);
+ JS_ASSERT(scope->lastProp);
+ if (scope->entryCount > SCOPE_HASH_THRESHOLD) {
+ /*
+ * Either we're creating a table for a large scope that was populated
+ * via property cache hit logic under JSOP_INITPROP, JSOP_SETNAME, or
+ * JSOP_SETPROP; or else calloc failed at least once already. In any
+ * event, let's try to grow, overallocating to hold at least twice the
+ * current population.
+ */
+ sizeLog2 = JS_CeilingLog2(2 * scope->entryCount);
+ scope->hashShift = JS_DHASH_BITS - sizeLog2;
+ } else {
+ sizeLog2 = MIN_SCOPE_SIZE_LOG2;
+ }
+ scope->table = (JSScopeProperty **)
+ calloc(JS_BIT(sizeLog2), sizeof(JSScopeProperty *));
+ if (!scope->table) {
+ if (report)
+ JS_ReportOutOfMemory(cx);
+ return JS_FALSE;
+ }
+ js_UpdateMallocCounter(cx, JS_BIT(sizeLog2) * sizeof(JSScopeProperty *));
+ scope->hashShift = JS_DHASH_BITS - sizeLog2;
+ for (sprop = scope->lastProp; sprop; sprop = sprop->parent) {
+ spp = js_SearchScope(scope, sprop->id, JS_TRUE);
+ }
+ return JS_TRUE;
+JSScope *
+js_NewScope(JSContext *cx, jsrefcount nrefs, JSObjectOps *ops, JSClass *clasp,
+ JSObject *obj)
+ JSScope *scope;
+ scope = (JSScope *) JS_malloc(cx, sizeof(JSScope));
+ if (!scope)
+ return NULL;
+ js_InitObjectMap(&scope->map, nrefs, ops, clasp);
+ scope->object = obj;
+ scope->flags = 0;
+ InitMinimalScope(scope);
+ js_InitTitle(cx, &scope->title);
+ JS_RUNTIME_METER(cx->runtime, liveScopes);
+ JS_RUNTIME_METER(cx->runtime, totalScopes);
+ return scope;
+extern void
+js_unlog_scope(JSScope *scope);
+#if defined DEBUG || defined JS_DUMP_PROPTREE_STATS
+# include "jsprf.h"
+# define LIVE_SCOPE_METER(cx,expr) JS_LOCK_RUNTIME_VOID(cx->runtime,expr)
+# define LIVE_SCOPE_METER(cx,expr) /* nothing */
+js_DestroyScope(JSContext *cx, JSScope *scope)
+ js_unlog_scope(scope);
+ js_FinishTitle(cx, &scope->title);
+ if (scope->table)
+ JS_free(cx, scope->table);
+ LIVE_SCOPE_METER(cx, cx->runtime->liveScopeProps -= scope->entryCount);
+ JS_RUNTIME_UNMETER(cx->runtime, liveScopes);
+ JS_free(cx, scope);
+typedef struct JSScopeStats {
+ jsrefcount searches;
+ jsrefcount hits;
+ jsrefcount misses;
+ jsrefcount hashes;
+ jsrefcount steps;
+ jsrefcount stepHits;
+ jsrefcount stepMisses;
+ jsrefcount adds;
+ jsrefcount redundantAdds;
+ jsrefcount addFailures;
+ jsrefcount changeFailures;
+ jsrefcount compresses;
+ jsrefcount grows;
+ jsrefcount removes;
+ jsrefcount removeFrees;
+ jsrefcount uselessRemoves;
+ jsrefcount shrinks;
+} JSScopeStats;
+JS_FRIEND_DATA(JSScopeStats) js_scope_stats = {0};
+# define METER(x) JS_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&js_scope_stats.x)
+# define METER(x) /* nothing */
+JS_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(JSHashNumber) == 4);
+# define HASH_ID(id) ((JSHashNumber)(id))
+#elif JS_BYTES_PER_WORD == 8
+# define HASH_ID(id) ((JSHashNumber)(id) ^ (JSHashNumber)((id) >> 32))
+# error "Unsupported configuration"
+ * Double hashing needs the second hash code to be relatively prime to table
+ * size, so we simply make hash2 odd. The inputs to multiplicative hash are
+ * the golden ratio, expressed as a fixed-point 32 bit fraction, and the id
+ * itself.
+ */
+#define SCOPE_HASH0(id) (HASH_ID(id) * JS_GOLDEN_RATIO)
+#define SCOPE_HASH1(hash0,shift) ((hash0) >> (shift))
+#define SCOPE_HASH2(hash0,log2,shift) ((((hash0) << (log2)) >> (shift)) | 1)
+JS_FRIEND_API(JSScopeProperty **)
+js_SearchScope(JSScope *scope, jsid id, JSBool adding)
+ JSHashNumber hash0, hash1, hash2;
+ int hashShift, sizeLog2;
+ JSScopeProperty *stored, *sprop, **spp, **firstRemoved;
+ uint32 sizeMask;
+ METER(searches);
+ if (!scope->table) {
+ /* Not enough properties to justify hashing: search from lastProp. */
+ for (spp = &scope->lastProp; (sprop = *spp); spp = &sprop->parent) {
+ if (sprop->id == id) {
+ METER(hits);
+ return spp;
+ }
+ }
+ METER(misses);
+ return spp;
+ }
+ /* Compute the primary hash address. */
+ METER(hashes);
+ hash0 = SCOPE_HASH0(id);
+ hashShift = scope->hashShift;
+ hash1 = SCOPE_HASH1(hash0, hashShift);
+ spp = scope->table + hash1;
+ /* Miss: return space for a new entry. */
+ stored = *spp;
+ if (SPROP_IS_FREE(stored)) {
+ METER(misses);
+ return spp;
+ }
+ /* Hit: return entry. */
+ sprop = SPROP_CLEAR_COLLISION(stored);
+ if (sprop && sprop->id == id) {
+ METER(hits);
+ return spp;
+ }
+ /* Collision: double hash. */
+ sizeLog2 = JS_DHASH_BITS - hashShift;
+ hash2 = SCOPE_HASH2(hash0, sizeLog2, hashShift);
+ sizeMask = JS_BITMASK(sizeLog2);
+ /* Save the first removed entry pointer so we can recycle it if adding. */
+ if (SPROP_IS_REMOVED(stored)) {
+ firstRemoved = spp;
+ } else {
+ firstRemoved = NULL;
+ if (adding && !SPROP_HAD_COLLISION(stored))
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ METER(steps);
+ hash1 -= hash2;
+ hash1 &= sizeMask;
+ spp = scope->table + hash1;
+ stored = *spp;
+ if (SPROP_IS_FREE(stored)) {
+ METER(stepMisses);
+ return (adding && firstRemoved) ? firstRemoved : spp;
+ }
+ sprop = SPROP_CLEAR_COLLISION(stored);
+ if (sprop && sprop->id == id) {
+ METER(stepHits);
+ return spp;
+ }
+ if (SPROP_IS_REMOVED(stored)) {
+ if (!firstRemoved)
+ firstRemoved = spp;
+ } else {
+ if (adding && !SPROP_HAD_COLLISION(stored))
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static JSBool
+ChangeScope(JSContext *cx, JSScope *scope, int change)
+ int oldlog2, newlog2;
+ uint32 oldsize, newsize, nbytes;
+ JSScopeProperty **table, **oldtable, **spp, **oldspp, *sprop;
+ if (!scope->table)
+ return CreateScopeTable(cx, scope, JS_TRUE);
+ /* Grow, shrink, or compress by changing scope->table. */
+ oldlog2 = JS_DHASH_BITS - scope->hashShift;
+ newlog2 = oldlog2 + change;
+ oldsize = JS_BIT(oldlog2);
+ newsize = JS_BIT(newlog2);
+ nbytes = SCOPE_TABLE_NBYTES(newsize);
+ table = (JSScopeProperty **) calloc(nbytes, 1);
+ if (!table) {
+ JS_ReportOutOfMemory(cx);
+ return JS_FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Now that we have a new table allocated, update scope members. */
+ scope->hashShift = JS_DHASH_BITS - newlog2;
+ scope->removedCount = 0;
+ oldtable = scope->table;
+ scope->table = table;
+ /* Treat the above calloc as a JS_malloc, to match CreateScopeTable. */
+ cx->runtime->gcMallocBytes += nbytes;
+ /* Copy only live entries, leaving removed and free ones behind. */
+ for (oldspp = oldtable; oldsize != 0; oldspp++) {
+ sprop = SPROP_FETCH(oldspp);
+ if (sprop) {
+ spp = js_SearchScope(scope, sprop->id, JS_TRUE);
+ *spp = sprop;
+ }
+ oldsize--;
+ }
+ /* Finally, free the old table storage. */
+ JS_free(cx, oldtable);
+ return JS_TRUE;
+ * Take care to exclude the mark bits in case we're called from the GC.
+ */
+static JSDHashNumber
+js_HashScopeProperty(JSDHashTable *table, const void *key)
+ const JSScopeProperty *sprop = (const JSScopeProperty *)key;
+ JSDHashNumber hash;
+ JSPropertyOp gsop;
+ /* Accumulate from least to most random so the low bits are most random. */
+ hash = 0;
+ gsop = sprop->getter;
+ if (gsop)
+ hash = JS_ROTATE_LEFT32(hash, 4) ^ (jsword)gsop;
+ gsop = sprop->setter;
+ if (gsop)
+ hash = JS_ROTATE_LEFT32(hash, 4) ^ (jsword)gsop;
+ hash = JS_ROTATE_LEFT32(hash, 4)
+ ^ (sprop->flags & ~SPROP_FLAGS_NOT_MATCHED);
+ hash = JS_ROTATE_LEFT32(hash, 4) ^ sprop->attrs;
+ hash = JS_ROTATE_LEFT32(hash, 4) ^ sprop->shortid;
+ hash = JS_ROTATE_LEFT32(hash, 4) ^ sprop->slot;
+ hash = JS_ROTATE_LEFT32(hash, 4) ^ sprop->id;
+ return hash;
+#define SPROP_MATCH(sprop, child) \
+ SPROP_MATCH_PARAMS(sprop, (child)->id, (child)->getter, (child)->setter, \
+ (child)->slot, (child)->attrs, (child)->flags, \
+ (child)->shortid)
+#define SPROP_MATCH_PARAMS(sprop, aid, agetter, asetter, aslot, aattrs, \
+ aflags, ashortid) \
+ ((sprop)->id == (aid) && \
+ SPROP_MATCH_PARAMS_AFTER_ID(sprop, agetter, asetter, aslot, aattrs, \
+ aflags, ashortid))
+#define SPROP_MATCH_PARAMS_AFTER_ID(sprop, agetter, asetter, aslot, aattrs, \
+ aflags, ashortid) \
+ ((sprop)->getter == (agetter) && \
+ (sprop)->setter == (asetter) && \
+ (sprop)->slot == (aslot) && \
+ (sprop)->attrs == (aattrs) && \
+ (((sprop)->flags ^ (aflags)) & ~SPROP_FLAGS_NOT_MATCHED) == 0 && \
+ (sprop)->shortid == (ashortid))
+static JSBool
+js_MatchScopeProperty(JSDHashTable *table,
+ const JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr,
+ const void *key)
+ const JSPropertyTreeEntry *entry = (const JSPropertyTreeEntry *)hdr;
+ const JSScopeProperty *sprop = entry->child;
+ const JSScopeProperty *kprop = (const JSScopeProperty *)key;
+ return SPROP_MATCH(sprop, kprop);
+static const JSDHashTableOps PropertyTreeHashOps = {
+ JS_DHashAllocTable,
+ JS_DHashFreeTable,
+ js_HashScopeProperty,
+ js_MatchScopeProperty,
+ JS_DHashMoveEntryStub,
+ JS_DHashClearEntryStub,
+ JS_DHashFinalizeStub,
+ * A property tree node on rt->propertyFreeList overlays the following prefix
+ * struct on JSScopeProperty.
+ */
+typedef struct FreeNode {
+ jsid id;
+ JSScopeProperty *next;
+ JSScopeProperty **prevp;
+} FreeNode;
+#define FREENODE(sprop) ((FreeNode *) (sprop))
+#define FREENODE_INSERT(list, sprop) \
+ FREENODE(sprop)->next = (list); \
+ FREENODE(sprop)->prevp = &(list); \
+ if (list) \
+ FREENODE(list)->prevp = &FREENODE(sprop)->next; \
+ (list) = (sprop); \
+#define FREENODE_REMOVE(sprop) \
+ *FREENODE(sprop)->prevp = FREENODE(sprop)->next; \
+ if (FREENODE(sprop)->next) \
+ FREENODE(FREENODE(sprop)->next)->prevp = FREENODE(sprop)->prevp; \
+/* NB: Called with rt->gcLock held. */
+static JSScopeProperty *
+NewScopeProperty(JSRuntime *rt)
+ JSScopeProperty *sprop;
+ sprop = rt->propertyFreeList;
+ if (sprop) {
+ } else {
+ JS_ARENA_ALLOCATE_CAST(sprop, JSScopeProperty *,
+ &rt->propertyArenaPool,
+ sizeof(JSScopeProperty));
+ if (!sprop)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ JS_RUNTIME_METER(rt, livePropTreeNodes);
+ JS_RUNTIME_METER(rt, totalPropTreeNodes);
+ return sprop;
+#define CHUNKY_KIDS_TAG ((jsuword)1)
+#define KIDS_IS_CHUNKY(kids) ((jsuword)(kids) & CHUNKY_KIDS_TAG)
+#define KIDS_TO_CHUNK(kids) ((PropTreeKidsChunk *) \
+ ((jsuword)(kids) & ~CHUNKY_KIDS_TAG))
+#define CHUNK_TO_KIDS(chunk) ((JSScopeProperty *) \
+ ((jsuword)(chunk) | CHUNKY_KIDS_TAG))
+#define MAX_KIDS_PER_CHUNK 10
+typedef struct PropTreeKidsChunk PropTreeKidsChunk;
+struct PropTreeKidsChunk {
+ JSScopeProperty *kids[MAX_KIDS_PER_CHUNK];
+ JSDHashTable *table;
+ PropTreeKidsChunk *next;
+static PropTreeKidsChunk *
+NewPropTreeKidsChunk(JSRuntime *rt)
+ PropTreeKidsChunk *chunk;
+ chunk = (PropTreeKidsChunk *) calloc(1, sizeof *chunk);
+ if (!chunk)
+ return NULL;
+ JS_ASSERT(((jsuword)chunk & CHUNKY_KIDS_TAG) == 0);
+ JS_RUNTIME_METER(rt, propTreeKidsChunks);
+ return chunk;
+static void
+DestroyPropTreeKidsChunk(JSRuntime *rt, PropTreeKidsChunk *chunk)
+ JS_RUNTIME_UNMETER(rt, propTreeKidsChunks);
+ if (chunk->table)
+ JS_DHashTableDestroy(chunk->table);
+ free(chunk);
+/* NB: Called with rt->gcLock held. */
+static JSBool
+InsertPropertyTreeChild(JSRuntime *rt, JSScopeProperty *parent,
+ JSScopeProperty *child, PropTreeKidsChunk *sweptChunk)
+ JSDHashTable *table;
+ JSPropertyTreeEntry *entry;
+ JSScopeProperty **childp, *kids, *sprop;
+ PropTreeKidsChunk *chunk, **chunkp;
+ uintN i;
+ JS_ASSERT(!parent || child->parent != parent);
+ if (!parent) {
+ table = &rt->propertyTreeHash;
+ entry = (JSPropertyTreeEntry *)
+ JS_DHashTableOperate(table, child, JS_DHASH_ADD);
+ if (!entry)
+ return JS_FALSE;
+ childp = &entry->child;
+ sprop = *childp;
+ if (!sprop) {
+ *childp = child;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * A "Duplicate child" case.
+ *
+ * We can't do away with child, as at least one live scope entry
+ * still points at it. What's more, that scope's lastProp chains
+ * through an ancestor line to reach child, and js_Enumerate and
+ * others count on this linkage. We must leave child out of the
+ * hash table, and not require it to be there when we eventually
+ * GC it (see RemovePropertyTreeChild, below).
+ *
+ * It is necessary to leave the duplicate child out of the hash
+ * table to preserve entry uniqueness. It is safe to leave the
+ * child out of the hash table (unlike the duplicate child cases
+ * below), because the child's parent link will be null, which
+ * can't dangle.
+ */
+ JS_ASSERT(sprop != child && SPROP_MATCH(sprop, child));
+ JS_RUNTIME_METER(rt, duplicatePropTreeNodes);
+ }
+ } else {
+ childp = &parent->kids;
+ kids = *childp;
+ if (kids) {
+ if (KIDS_IS_CHUNKY(kids)) {
+ chunk = KIDS_TO_CHUNK(kids);
+ table = chunk->table;
+ if (table) {
+ entry = (JSPropertyTreeEntry *)
+ JS_DHashTableOperate(table, child, JS_DHASH_ADD);
+ if (!entry)
+ return JS_FALSE;
+ if (!entry->child) {
+ entry->child = child;
+ while (chunk->next)
+ chunk = chunk->next;
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_KIDS_PER_CHUNK; i++) {
+ childp = &chunk->kids[i];
+ sprop = *childp;
+ if (!sprop)
+ goto insert;
+ }
+ chunkp = &chunk->next;
+ goto new_chunk;
+ }
+ }
+ do {
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_KIDS_PER_CHUNK; i++) {
+ childp = &chunk->kids[i];
+ sprop = *childp;
+ if (!sprop)
+ goto insert;
+ JS_ASSERT(sprop != child);
+ if (SPROP_MATCH(sprop, child)) {
+ /*
+ * Duplicate child, see comment above. In this
+ * case, we must let the duplicate be inserted at
+ * this level in the tree, so we keep iterating,
+ * looking for an empty slot in which to insert.
+ */
+ JS_ASSERT(sprop != child);
+ JS_RUNTIME_METER(rt, duplicatePropTreeNodes);
+ }
+ }
+ chunkp = &chunk->next;
+ } while ((chunk = *chunkp) != NULL);
+ new_chunk:
+ if (sweptChunk) {
+ chunk = sweptChunk;
+ } else {
+ chunk = NewPropTreeKidsChunk(rt);
+ if (!chunk)
+ return JS_FALSE;
+ }
+ *chunkp = chunk;
+ childp = &chunk->kids[0];
+ } else {
+ sprop = kids;
+ JS_ASSERT(sprop != child);
+ if (SPROP_MATCH(sprop, child)) {
+ /*
+ * Duplicate child, see comment above. Once again, we
+ * must let duplicates created by deletion pile up in a
+ * kids-chunk-list, in order to find them when sweeping
+ * and thereby avoid dangling parent pointers.
+ */
+ JS_RUNTIME_METER(rt, duplicatePropTreeNodes);
+ }
+ if (sweptChunk) {
+ chunk = sweptChunk;
+ } else {
+ chunk = NewPropTreeKidsChunk(rt);
+ if (!chunk)
+ return JS_FALSE;
+ }
+ parent->kids = CHUNK_TO_KIDS(chunk);
+ chunk->kids[0] = sprop;
+ childp = &chunk->kids[1];
+ }
+ }
+ insert:
+ *childp = child;
+ }
+ child->parent = parent;
+ return JS_TRUE;
+/* NB: Called with rt->gcLock held. */
+static PropTreeKidsChunk *
+RemovePropertyTreeChild(JSRuntime *rt, JSScopeProperty *child)
+ PropTreeKidsChunk *freeChunk;
+ JSScopeProperty *parent, *kids, *kid;
+ JSDHashTable *table;
+ PropTreeKidsChunk *list, *chunk, **chunkp, *lastChunk;
+ uintN i, j;
+ JSPropertyTreeEntry *entry;
+ freeChunk = NULL;
+ parent = child->parent;
+ if (!parent) {
+ /*
+ * Don't remove child if it is not in rt->propertyTreeHash, but only
+ * matches a root child in the table that has compatible members. See
+ * the "Duplicate child" comments in InsertPropertyTreeChild, above.
+ */
+ table = &rt->propertyTreeHash;
+ } else {
+ kids = parent->kids;
+ if (KIDS_IS_CHUNKY(kids)) {
+ list = chunk = KIDS_TO_CHUNK(kids);
+ chunkp = &list;
+ table = chunk->table;
+ do {
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_KIDS_PER_CHUNK; i++) {
+ if (chunk->kids[i] == child) {
+ lastChunk = chunk;
+ if (!lastChunk->next) {
+ j = i + 1;
+ } else {
+ j = 0;
+ do {
+ chunkp = &lastChunk->next;
+ lastChunk = *chunkp;
+ } while (lastChunk->next);
+ }
+ for (; j < MAX_KIDS_PER_CHUNK; j++) {
+ if (!lastChunk->kids[j])
+ break;
+ }
+ --j;
+ if (chunk != lastChunk || j > i)
+ chunk->kids[i] = lastChunk->kids[j];
+ lastChunk->kids[j] = NULL;
+ if (j == 0) {
+ *chunkp = NULL;
+ if (!list)
+ parent->kids = NULL;
+ freeChunk = lastChunk;
+ }
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ chunkp = &chunk->next;
+ } while ((chunk = *chunkp) != NULL);
+ } else {
+ table = NULL;
+ kid = kids;
+ if (kid == child)
+ parent->kids = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (table) {
+ entry = (JSPropertyTreeEntry *)
+ JS_DHashTableOperate(table, child, JS_DHASH_LOOKUP);
+ if (entry->child == child)
+ JS_DHashTableRawRemove(table, &entry->hdr);
+ }
+ return freeChunk;
+static JSDHashTable *
+HashChunks(PropTreeKidsChunk *chunk, uintN n)
+ JSDHashTable *table;
+ uintN i;
+ JSScopeProperty *sprop;
+ JSPropertyTreeEntry *entry;
+ table = JS_NewDHashTable(&PropertyTreeHashOps, NULL,
+ sizeof(JSPropertyTreeEntry),
+ if (!table)
+ return NULL;
+ do {
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_KIDS_PER_CHUNK; i++) {
+ sprop = chunk->kids[i];
+ if (!sprop)
+ break;
+ entry = (JSPropertyTreeEntry *)
+ JS_DHashTableOperate(table, sprop, JS_DHASH_ADD);
+ entry->child = sprop;
+ }
+ } while ((chunk = chunk->next) != NULL);
+ return table;
+ * Called without cx->runtime->gcLock held. This function acquires that lock
+ * only when inserting a new child. Thus there may be races to find or add a
+ * node that result in duplicates. We expect such races to be rare!
+ *
+ * We use rt->gcLock, not rt->rtLock, to allow the GC potentially to nest here
+ * under js_GenerateShape.
+ */
+static JSScopeProperty *
+GetPropertyTreeChild(JSContext *cx, JSScopeProperty *parent,
+ JSScopeProperty *child)
+ JSRuntime *rt;
+ JSDHashTable *table;
+ JSPropertyTreeEntry *entry;
+ JSScopeProperty *sprop;
+ PropTreeKidsChunk *chunk;
+ uintN i, n;
+ uint32 shape;
+ rt = cx->runtime;
+ if (!parent) {
+ JS_LOCK_GC(rt);
+ table = &rt->propertyTreeHash;
+ entry = (JSPropertyTreeEntry *)
+ JS_DHashTableOperate(table, child, JS_DHASH_ADD);
+ if (!entry)
+ goto out_of_memory;
+ sprop = entry->child;
+ if (sprop)
+ goto out;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Because chunks are appended at the end and never deleted except by
+ * the GC, we can search without taking the runtime's GC lock. We may
+ * miss a matching sprop added by another thread, and make a duplicate
+ * one, but that is an unlikely, therefore small, cost. The property
+ * tree has extremely low fan-out below its root in popular embeddings
+ * with real-world workloads.
+ *
+ * Patterns such as defining closures that capture a constructor's
+ * environment as getters or setters on the new object that is passed
+ * in as |this| can significantly increase fan-out below the property
+ * tree root -- see bug 335700 for details.
+ */
+ entry = NULL;
+ sprop = parent->kids;
+ if (sprop) {
+ if (KIDS_IS_CHUNKY(sprop)) {
+ chunk = KIDS_TO_CHUNK(sprop);
+ table = chunk->table;
+ if (table) {
+ JS_LOCK_GC(rt);
+ entry = (JSPropertyTreeEntry *)
+ JS_DHashTableOperate(table, child, JS_DHASH_LOOKUP);
+ sprop = entry->child;
+ if (sprop) {
+ return sprop;
+ }
+ goto locked_not_found;
+ }
+ n = 0;
+ do {
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_KIDS_PER_CHUNK; i++) {
+ sprop = chunk->kids[i];
+ if (!sprop) {
+ n += i;
+ chunk = KIDS_TO_CHUNK(parent->kids);
+ if (!chunk->table) {
+ table = HashChunks(chunk, n);
+ JS_LOCK_GC(rt);
+ if (!table)
+ goto out_of_memory;
+ if (chunk->table)
+ JS_DHashTableDestroy(table);
+ else
+ chunk->table = table;
+ goto locked_not_found;
+ }
+ }
+ goto not_found;
+ }
+ if (SPROP_MATCH(sprop, child))
+ return sprop;
+ }
+ } while ((chunk = chunk->next) != NULL);
+ } else {
+ if (SPROP_MATCH(sprop, child))
+ return sprop;
+ }
+ }
+ not_found:
+ JS_LOCK_GC(rt);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Call js_GenerateShape before the allocation to prevent collecting the
+ * new property when the shape generation triggers the GC.
+ */
+ shape = js_GenerateShape(cx, JS_TRUE, NULL);
+ sprop = NewScopeProperty(rt);
+ if (!sprop)
+ goto out_of_memory;
+ sprop->id = child->id;
+ sprop->getter = child->getter;
+ sprop->setter = child->setter;
+ sprop->slot = child->slot;
+ sprop->attrs = child->attrs;
+ sprop->flags = child->flags;
+ sprop->shortid = child->shortid;
+ sprop->parent = sprop->kids = NULL;
+ sprop->shape = shape;
+ if (!parent) {
+ entry->child = sprop;
+ } else {
+ if (!InsertPropertyTreeChild(rt, parent, sprop, NULL))
+ goto out_of_memory;
+ }
+ return sprop;
+ JS_ReportOutOfMemory(cx);
+ return NULL;
+#ifdef DEBUG_notbrendan
+#define CHECK_ANCESTOR_LINE(scope, sparse) \
+ if ((scope)->table) CheckAncestorLine(scope, sparse); \
+static void
+CheckAncestorLine(JSScope *scope, JSBool sparse)
+ uint32 size;
+ JSScopeProperty **spp, **start, **end, *ancestorLine, *sprop, *aprop;
+ uint32 entryCount, ancestorCount;
+ ancestorLine = SCOPE_LAST_PROP(scope);
+ if (ancestorLine)
+ JS_ASSERT(SCOPE_HAS_PROPERTY(scope, ancestorLine));
+ entryCount = 0;
+ size = SCOPE_CAPACITY(scope);
+ start = scope->table;
+ for (spp = start, end = start + size; spp < end; spp++) {
+ sprop = SPROP_FETCH(spp);
+ if (sprop) {
+ entryCount++;
+ for (aprop = ancestorLine; aprop; aprop = aprop->parent) {
+ if (aprop == sprop)
+ break;
+ }
+ JS_ASSERT(aprop);
+ }
+ }
+ JS_ASSERT(entryCount == scope->entryCount);
+ ancestorCount = 0;
+ for (sprop = ancestorLine; sprop; sprop = sprop->parent) {
+ !SCOPE_HAS_PROPERTY(scope, sprop)) {
+ JS_ASSERT(sparse);
+ continue;
+ }
+ ancestorCount++;
+ }
+ JS_ASSERT(ancestorCount == scope->entryCount);
+#define CHECK_ANCESTOR_LINE(scope, sparse) /* nothing */
+static void
+ReportReadOnlyScope(JSContext *cx, JSScope *scope)
+ JSString *str;
+ const char *bytes;
+ str = js_ValueToString(cx, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(scope->object));
+ if (!str)
+ return;
+ bytes = js_GetStringBytes(cx, str);
+ if (!bytes)
+ return;
+ JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_READ_ONLY, bytes);
+JSScopeProperty *
+js_AddScopeProperty(JSContext *cx, JSScope *scope, jsid id,
+ JSPropertyOp getter, JSPropertyOp setter, uint32 slot,
+ uintN attrs, uintN flags, intN shortid)
+ JSScopeProperty **spp, *sprop, *overwriting, **spvec, **spp2, child;
+ uint32 size, splen, i;
+ int change;
+ JSTempValueRooter tvr;
+ /*
+ * You can't add properties to a sealed scope. But note well that you can
+ * change property attributes in a sealed scope, even though that replaces
+ * a JSScopeProperty * in the scope's hash table -- but no id is added, so
+ * the scope remains sealed.
+ */
+ if (SCOPE_IS_SEALED(scope)) {
+ ReportReadOnlyScope(cx, scope);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Normalize stub getter and setter values for faster is-stub testing in
+ * the SPROP_CALL_[GS]ETTER macros.
+ */
+ if (getter == JS_PropertyStub)
+ getter = NULL;
+ if (setter == JS_PropertyStub)
+ setter = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Search for id in order to claim its entry, allocating a property tree
+ * node if one doesn't already exist for our parameters.
+ */
+ spp = js_SearchScope(scope, id, JS_TRUE);
+ sprop = overwriting = SPROP_FETCH(spp);
+ if (!sprop) {
+ /* Check whether we need to grow, if the load factor is >= .75. */
+ size = SCOPE_CAPACITY(scope);
+ if (scope->entryCount + scope->removedCount >= size - (size >> 2)) {
+ if (scope->removedCount >= size >> 2) {
+ METER(compresses);
+ change = 0;
+ } else {
+ METER(grows);
+ change = 1;
+ }
+ if (!ChangeScope(cx, scope, change) &&
+ scope->entryCount + scope->removedCount == size - 1) {
+ METER(addFailures);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ spp = js_SearchScope(scope, id, JS_TRUE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Property exists: js_SearchScope must have returned a valid entry. */
+ /*
+ * If all property members match, this is a redundant add and we can
+ * return early. If the caller wants to allocate a slot, but doesn't
+ * care which slot, copy sprop->slot into slot so we can match sprop,
+ * if all other members match.
+ */
+ if (!(attrs & JSPROP_SHARED) &&
+ SPROP_HAS_VALID_SLOT(sprop, scope)) {
+ slot = sprop->slot;
+ }
+ if (SPROP_MATCH_PARAMS_AFTER_ID(sprop, getter, setter, slot, attrs,
+ flags, shortid)) {
+ METER(redundantAdds);
+ return sprop;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we are clearing sprop to force an existing property to be
+ * overwritten (apart from a duplicate formal parameter), we must
+ * unlink it from the ancestor line at scope->lastProp, lazily if
+ * sprop is not lastProp. And we must remove the entry at *spp,
+ * precisely so the lazy "middle delete" fixup code further below
+ * won't find sprop in scope->table, in spite of sprop being on
+ * the ancestor line.
+ *
+ * When we finally succeed in finding or creating a new sprop
+ * and storing its pointer at *spp, we'll use the |overwriting|
+ * local saved when we first looked up id to decide whether we're
+ * indeed creating a new entry, or merely overwriting an existing
+ * property.
+ */
+ if (sprop == SCOPE_LAST_PROP(scope)) {
+ do {
+ break;
+ sprop = SCOPE_LAST_PROP(scope);
+ } while (sprop && !SCOPE_HAS_PROPERTY(scope, sprop));
+ } else if (!SCOPE_HAD_MIDDLE_DELETE(scope)) {
+ /*
+ * If we have no hash table yet, we need one now. The middle
+ * delete code is simple-minded that way!
+ */
+ if (!scope->table) {
+ if (!CreateScopeTable(cx, scope, JS_TRUE))
+ return NULL;
+ spp = js_SearchScope(scope, id, JS_TRUE);
+ sprop = overwriting = SPROP_FETCH(spp);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we fail later on trying to find or create a new sprop, we will
+ * goto fail_overwrite and restore *spp from |overwriting|. Note that
+ * we don't bother to keep scope->removedCount in sync, because we'll
+ * fix up *spp and scope->entryCount shortly, no matter how control
+ * flow returns from this function.
+ */
+ if (scope->table)
+ scope->entryCount--;
+ sprop = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!sprop) {
+ /*
+ * If properties were deleted from the middle of the list starting at
+ * scope->lastProp, we may need to fork the property tree and squeeze
+ * all deleted properties out of scope's ancestor line. Otherwise we
+ * risk adding a node with the same id as a "middle" node, violating
+ * the rule that properties along an ancestor line have distinct ids.
+ */
+ JS_ASSERT(scope->table);
+ splen = scope->entryCount;
+ if (splen == 0) {
+ JS_ASSERT(scope->lastProp == NULL);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Enumerate live entries in scope->table using a temporary
+ * vector, by walking the (possibly sparse, due to deletions)
+ * ancestor line from scope->lastProp.
+ */
+ spvec = (JSScopeProperty **)
+ JS_malloc(cx, SCOPE_TABLE_NBYTES(splen));
+ if (!spvec)
+ goto fail_overwrite;
+ i = splen;
+ sprop = SCOPE_LAST_PROP(scope);
+ JS_ASSERT(sprop);
+ do {
+ /*
+ * the latter insists that sprop->id maps to sprop, while
+ * the former simply tests whether sprop->id is bound in
+ * scope. We must allow for duplicate formal parameters
+ * along the ancestor line, and fork them as needed.
+ */
+ if (!SCOPE_GET_PROPERTY(scope, sprop->id))
+ continue;
+ JS_ASSERT(sprop != overwriting);
+ if (i == 0) {
+ /*
+ * If our original splen estimate, scope->entryCount,
+ * is less than the ancestor line height, there must
+ * be duplicate formal parameters in this (function
+ * object) scope. Count remaining ancestors in order
+ * to realloc spvec.
+ */
+ JSScopeProperty *tmp = sprop;
+ do {
+ if (SCOPE_GET_PROPERTY(scope, tmp->id))
+ i++;
+ } while ((tmp = tmp->parent) != NULL);
+ spp2 = (JSScopeProperty **)
+ JS_realloc(cx, spvec, SCOPE_TABLE_NBYTES(splen+i));
+ if (!spp2) {
+ JS_free(cx, spvec);
+ goto fail_overwrite;
+ }
+ spvec = spp2;
+ memmove(spvec + i, spvec, SCOPE_TABLE_NBYTES(splen));
+ splen += i;
+ }
+ spvec[--i] = sprop;
+ } while ((sprop = sprop->parent) != NULL);
+ JS_ASSERT(i == 0);
+ /*
+ * Now loop forward through spvec, forking the property tree
+ * whenever we see a "parent gap" due to deletions from scope.
+ * NB: sprop is null on first entry to the loop body.
+ */
+ do {
+ if (spvec[i]->parent == sprop) {
+ sprop = spvec[i];
+ } else {
+ sprop = GetPropertyTreeChild(cx, sprop, spvec[i]);
+ if (!sprop) {
+ JS_free(cx, spvec);
+ goto fail_overwrite;
+ }
+ spp2 = js_SearchScope(scope, sprop->id, JS_FALSE);
+ JS_ASSERT(SPROP_FETCH(spp2) == spvec[i]);
+ }
+ } while (++i < splen);
+ JS_free(cx, spvec);
+ /*
+ * Now sprop points to the last property in scope, where the
+ * ancestor line from sprop to the root is dense w.r.t. scope:
+ * it contains no nodes not mapped by scope->table, apart from
+ * any stinking ECMA-mandated duplicate formal parameters.
+ */
+ scope->lastProp = sprop;
+ JS_RUNTIME_METER(cx->runtime, middleDeleteFixups);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Aliases share another property's slot, passed in the |slot| param.
+ * Shared properties have no slot. Unshared properties that do not
+ * alias another property's slot get one here, but may lose it due to
+ * a JS_ClearScope call.
+ */
+ if (!(flags & SPROP_IS_ALIAS)) {
+ if (attrs & JSPROP_SHARED) {
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * We may have set slot from a nearly-matching sprop, above.
+ * If so, we're overwriting that nearly-matching sprop, so we
+ * can reuse its slot -- we don't need to allocate a new one.
+ * Similarly, we use a specific slot if provided by the caller.
+ */
+ if (slot == SPROP_INVALID_SLOT &&
+ !js_AllocSlot(cx, scope->object, &slot)) {
+ goto fail_overwrite;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check for a watchpoint on a deleted property; if one exists, change
+ * setter to js_watch_set.
+ * XXXbe this could get expensive with lots of watchpoints...
+ */
+ if (!JS_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&cx->runtime->watchPointList) &&
+ js_FindWatchPoint(cx->runtime, scope, id)) {
+ JS_PUSH_TEMP_ROOT_SPROP(cx, overwriting, &tvr);
+ setter = js_WrapWatchedSetter(cx, id, attrs, setter);
+ JS_POP_TEMP_ROOT(cx, &tvr);
+ if (!setter)
+ goto fail_overwrite;
+ }
+ /* Find or create a property tree node labeled by our arguments. */
+ child.id = id;
+ child.getter = getter;
+ child.setter = setter;
+ child.slot = slot;
+ child.attrs = attrs;
+ child.flags = flags;
+ child.shortid = shortid;
+ sprop = GetPropertyTreeChild(cx, scope->lastProp, &child);
+ if (!sprop)
+ goto fail_overwrite;
+ /*
+ * The scope's shape defaults to its last property's shape, but may
+ * be regenerated later as the scope diverges (from the property cache
+ * point of view) from the structural type associated with sprop.
+ */
+ SCOPE_EXTEND_SHAPE(cx, scope, sprop);
+ /* Store the tree node pointer in the table entry for id. */
+ if (scope->table)
+ scope->entryCount++;
+ scope->lastProp = sprop;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (!overwriting) {
+ LIVE_SCOPE_METER(cx, ++cx->runtime->liveScopeProps);
+ JS_RUNTIME_METER(cx->runtime, totalScopeProps);
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we reach the hashing threshold, try to allocate scope->table.
+ * If we can't (a rare event, preceded by swapping to death on most
+ * modern OSes), stick with linear search rather than whining about
+ * this little set-back. Therefore we must test !scope->table and
+ * scope->entryCount >= SCOPE_HASH_THRESHOLD, not merely whether the
+ * entry count just reached the threshold.
+ */
+ if (!scope->table && scope->entryCount >= SCOPE_HASH_THRESHOLD)
+ (void) CreateScopeTable(cx, scope, JS_FALSE);
+ }
+ METER(adds);
+ return sprop;
+ if (overwriting) {
+ /*
+ * We may or may not have forked overwriting out of scope's ancestor
+ * line, so we must check (the alternative is to set a flag above, but
+ * that hurts the common, non-error case). If we did fork overwriting
+ * out, we'll add it back at scope->lastProp. This means enumeration
+ * order can change due to a failure to overwrite an id.
+ * XXXbe very minor incompatibility
+ */
+ for (sprop = SCOPE_LAST_PROP(scope); ; sprop = sprop->parent) {
+ if (!sprop) {
+ sprop = SCOPE_LAST_PROP(scope);
+ if (overwriting->parent == sprop) {
+ scope->lastProp = overwriting;
+ } else {
+ sprop = GetPropertyTreeChild(cx, sprop, overwriting);
+ if (sprop) {
+ JS_ASSERT(sprop != overwriting);
+ scope->lastProp = sprop;
+ }
+ overwriting = sprop;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (sprop == overwriting)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (overwriting) {
+ if (scope->table)
+ scope->entryCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ METER(addFailures);
+ return NULL;
+JSScopeProperty *
+js_ChangeScopePropertyAttrs(JSContext *cx, JSScope *scope,
+ JSScopeProperty *sprop, uintN attrs, uintN mask,
+ JSPropertyOp getter, JSPropertyOp setter)
+ JSScopeProperty child, *newsprop, **spp;
+ /* Allow only shared (slot-less) => unshared (slot-full) transition. */
+ attrs |= sprop->attrs & mask;
+ JS_ASSERT(!((attrs ^ sprop->attrs) & JSPROP_SHARED) ||
+ !(attrs & JSPROP_SHARED));
+ if (getter == JS_PropertyStub)
+ getter = NULL;
+ if (setter == JS_PropertyStub)
+ setter = NULL;
+ if (sprop->attrs == attrs &&
+ sprop->getter == getter &&
+ sprop->setter == setter) {
+ return sprop;
+ }
+ child.id = sprop->id;
+ child.getter = getter;
+ child.setter = setter;
+ child.slot = sprop->slot;
+ child.attrs = attrs;
+ child.flags = sprop->flags;
+ child.shortid = sprop->shortid;
+ if (SCOPE_LAST_PROP(scope) == sprop) {
+ /*
+ * Optimize the case where the last property added to scope is changed
+ * to have a different attrs, getter, or setter. In the last property
+ * case, we need not fork the property tree. But since we do not call
+ * js_AddScopeProperty, we may need to allocate a new slot directly.
+ */
+ if ((sprop->attrs & JSPROP_SHARED) && !(attrs & JSPROP_SHARED)) {
+ if (!js_AllocSlot(cx, scope->object, &child.slot))
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ newsprop = GetPropertyTreeChild(cx, sprop->parent, &child);
+ if (newsprop) {
+ spp = js_SearchScope(scope, sprop->id, JS_FALSE);
+ JS_ASSERT(SPROP_FETCH(spp) == sprop);
+ if (scope->table)
+ scope->lastProp = newsprop;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Let js_AddScopeProperty handle this |overwriting| case, including
+ * the conservation of sprop->slot (if it's valid). We must not call
+ * js_RemoveScopeProperty here, it will free a valid sprop->slot and
+ * js_AddScopeProperty won't re-allocate it.
+ */
+ newsprop = js_AddScopeProperty(cx, scope, child.id,
+ child.getter, child.setter, child.slot,
+ child.attrs, child.flags, child.shortid);
+ }
+ if (newsprop) {
+ if (scope->shape == sprop->shape)
+ scope->shape = newsprop->shape;
+ else
+ }
+ else
+ METER(changeFailures);
+ return newsprop;
+js_RemoveScopeProperty(JSContext *cx, JSScope *scope, jsid id)
+ JSScopeProperty **spp, *stored, *sprop;
+ uint32 size;
+ if (SCOPE_IS_SEALED(scope)) {
+ ReportReadOnlyScope(cx, scope);
+ return JS_FALSE;
+ }
+ METER(removes);
+ spp = js_SearchScope(scope, id, JS_FALSE);
+ stored = *spp;
+ sprop = SPROP_CLEAR_COLLISION(stored);
+ if (!sprop) {
+ METER(uselessRemoves);
+ return JS_TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Convert from a list to a hash so we can handle "middle deletes". */
+ if (!scope->table && sprop != scope->lastProp) {
+ if (!CreateScopeTable(cx, scope, JS_TRUE))
+ return JS_FALSE;
+ spp = js_SearchScope(scope, id, JS_FALSE);
+ stored = *spp;
+ sprop = SPROP_CLEAR_COLLISION(stored);
+ }
+ /* First, if sprop is unshared and not cleared, free its slot number. */
+ if (SPROP_HAS_VALID_SLOT(sprop, scope)) {
+ js_FreeSlot(cx, scope->object, sprop->slot);
+ JS_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&cx->runtime->propertyRemovals);
+ }
+ /* Next, remove id by setting its entry to a removed or free sentinel. */
+ if (SPROP_HAD_COLLISION(stored)) {
+ JS_ASSERT(scope->table);
+ scope->removedCount++;
+ } else {
+ METER(removeFrees);
+ if (scope->table)
+ *spp = NULL;
+ }
+ scope->entryCount--;
+ LIVE_SCOPE_METER(cx, --cx->runtime->liveScopeProps);
+ /* Update scope->lastProp directly, or set its deferred update flag. */
+ if (sprop == SCOPE_LAST_PROP(scope)) {
+ do {
+ break;
+ sprop = SCOPE_LAST_PROP(scope);
+ } while (sprop && !SCOPE_HAS_PROPERTY(scope, sprop));
+ } else if (!SCOPE_HAD_MIDDLE_DELETE(scope)) {
+ }
+ /* Last, consider shrinking scope's table if its load factor is <= .25. */
+ size = SCOPE_CAPACITY(scope);
+ if (size > MIN_SCOPE_SIZE && scope->entryCount <= size >> 2) {
+ METER(shrinks);
+ (void) ChangeScope(cx, scope, -1);
+ }
+ return JS_TRUE;
+js_ClearScope(JSContext *cx, JSScope *scope)
+ LIVE_SCOPE_METER(cx, cx->runtime->liveScopeProps -= scope->entryCount);
+ if (scope->table)
+ free(scope->table);
+ InitMinimalScope(scope);
+ JS_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&cx->runtime->propertyRemovals);
+js_TraceId(JSTracer *trc, jsid id)
+ jsval v;
+ v = ID_TO_VALUE(id);
+ JS_CALL_VALUE_TRACER(trc, v, "id");
+#ifdef DEBUG
+static void
+PrintPropertyGetterOrSetter(JSTracer *trc, char *buf, size_t bufsize)
+ JSScopeProperty *sprop;
+ jsid id;
+ size_t n;
+ const char *name;
+ JS_ASSERT(trc->debugPrinter == PrintPropertyGetterOrSetter);
+ sprop = (JSScopeProperty *)trc->debugPrintArg;
+ id = sprop->id;
+ name = trc->debugPrintIndex ? js_setter_str : js_getter_str;
+ if (JSID_IS_ATOM(id)) {
+ n = js_PutEscapedString(buf, bufsize - 1,
+ if (n < bufsize - 1)
+ JS_snprintf(buf + n, bufsize - n, " %s", name);
+ } else if (JSID_IS_INT(sprop->id)) {
+ JS_snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%d %s", JSID_TO_INT(id), name);
+ } else {
+ JS_snprintf(buf, bufsize, "<object> %s", name);
+ }
+js_TraceScopeProperty(JSTracer *trc, JSScopeProperty *sprop)
+ sprop->flags |= SPROP_MARK;
+ TRACE_ID(trc, sprop->id);
+ if (sprop->attrs & (JSPROP_GETTER | JSPROP_SETTER)) {
+ if (sprop->attrs & JSPROP_GETTER) {
+ JS_ASSERT(JSVAL_IS_OBJECT((jsval) sprop->getter));
+ JS_SET_TRACING_DETAILS(trc, PrintPropertyGetterOrSetter, sprop, 0);
+ JS_CallTracer(trc, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT((jsval) sprop->getter),
+ }
+ if (sprop->attrs & JSPROP_SETTER) {
+ JS_ASSERT(JSVAL_IS_OBJECT((jsval) sprop->setter));
+ JS_SET_TRACING_DETAILS(trc, PrintPropertyGetterOrSetter, sprop, 1);
+ JS_CallTracer(trc, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT((jsval) sprop->setter),
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* JS_HAS_GETTER_SETTER */
+#include <stdio.h>
+static void
+MeterKidCount(JSBasicStats *bs, uintN nkids)
+ JS_BASIC_STATS_ACCUM(bs, nkids);
+ bs->hist[JS_MIN(nkids, 10)]++;
+static void
+MeterPropertyTree(JSBasicStats *bs, JSScopeProperty *node)
+ uintN i, nkids;
+ JSScopeProperty *kids, *kid;
+ PropTreeKidsChunk *chunk;
+ nkids = 0;
+ kids = node->kids;
+ if (kids) {
+ if (KIDS_IS_CHUNKY(kids)) {
+ for (chunk = KIDS_TO_CHUNK(kids); chunk; chunk = chunk->next) {
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_KIDS_PER_CHUNK; i++) {
+ kid = chunk->kids[i];
+ if (!kid)
+ break;
+ MeterPropertyTree(bs, kid);
+ nkids++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ MeterPropertyTree(bs, kids);
+ nkids = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ MeterKidCount(bs, nkids);
+static JSDHashOperator
+js_MeterPropertyTree(JSDHashTable *table, JSDHashEntryHdr *hdr, uint32 number,
+ void *arg)
+ JSPropertyTreeEntry *entry = (JSPropertyTreeEntry *)hdr;
+ JSBasicStats *bs = (JSBasicStats *)arg;
+ MeterPropertyTree(bs, entry->child);
+ return JS_DHASH_NEXT;
+static void
+DumpSubtree(JSContext *cx, JSScopeProperty *sprop, int level, FILE *fp)
+ jsval v;
+ JSString *str;
+ JSScopeProperty *kids, *kid;
+ PropTreeKidsChunk *chunk;
+ uintN i;
+ fprintf(fp, "%*sid ", level, "");
+ v = ID_TO_VALUE(sprop->id);
+ if (JSID_IS_INT(sprop->id)) {
+ fprintf(fp, "%d", JSVAL_TO_INT(v));
+ } else {
+ if (JSID_IS_ATOM(sprop->id)) {
+ str = JSVAL_TO_STRING(v);
+ } else {
+ str = js_ValueToString(cx, v);
+ fputs("object ", fp);
+ }
+ if (!str)
+ fputs("<error>", fp);
+ else
+ js_FileEscapedString(fp, str, '"');
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, " g/s %p/%p slot %u attrs %x flags %x shortid %d\n",
+ (void *) sprop->getter, (void *) sprop->setter, sprop->slot,
+ sprop->attrs, sprop->flags, sprop->shortid);
+ kids = sprop->kids;
+ if (kids) {
+ ++level;
+ if (KIDS_IS_CHUNKY(kids)) {
+ chunk = KIDS_TO_CHUNK(kids);
+ do {
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_KIDS_PER_CHUNK; i++) {
+ kid = chunk->kids[i];
+ if (!kid)
+ break;
+ JS_ASSERT(kid->parent == sprop);
+ DumpSubtree(cx, kid, level, fp);
+ }
+ } while ((chunk = chunk->next) != NULL);
+ } else {
+ kid = kids;
+ DumpSubtree(cx, kid, level, fp);
+ }
+ }
+js_SweepScopeProperties(JSContext *cx)
+ JSRuntime *rt = cx->runtime;
+ JSArena **ap, *a;
+ JSScopeProperty *limit, *sprop, *parent, *kids, *kid;
+ uintN liveCount;
+ PropTreeKidsChunk *chunk, *nextChunk, *freeChunk;
+ uintN i;
+ JSBasicStats bs;
+ uint32 livePropCapacity = 0, totalLiveCount = 0;
+ static FILE *logfp;
+ if (!logfp)
+ logfp = fopen("/tmp/proptree.stats", "w");
+ MeterKidCount(&bs, rt->propertyTreeHash.entryCount);
+ JS_DHashTableEnumerate(&rt->propertyTreeHash, js_MeterPropertyTree, &bs);
+ {
+ double props, nodes, mean, sigma;
+ props = rt->liveScopePropsPreSweep;
+ nodes = rt->livePropTreeNodes;
+ JS_ASSERT(nodes == bs.sum);
+ mean = JS_MeanAndStdDevBS(&bs, &sigma);
+ fprintf(logfp,
+ "props %g nodes %g beta %g meankids %g sigma %g max %u\n",
+ props, nodes, nodes / props, mean, sigma, bs.max);
+ }
+ JS_DumpHistogram(&bs, logfp);
+ ap = &rt->propertyArenaPool.first.next;
+ while ((a = *ap) != NULL) {
+ limit = (JSScopeProperty *) a->avail;
+ liveCount = 0;
+ for (sprop = (JSScopeProperty *) a->base; sprop < limit; sprop++) {
+ /* If the id is null, sprop is already on the freelist. */
+ if (sprop->id == JSVAL_NULL)
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * If the mark bit is set, sprop is alive, so clear the mark bit
+ * and continue the while loop.
+ *
+ * Regenerate sprop->shape if it hasn't already been refreshed
+ * during the mark phase, when live scopes' lastProp members are
+ * followed to update both scope->shape and lastProp->shape.
+ */
+ if (sprop->flags & SPROP_MARK) {
+ sprop->flags &= ~SPROP_MARK;
+ if (sprop->flags & SPROP_FLAG_SHAPE_REGEN) {
+ sprop->flags &= ~SPROP_FLAG_SHAPE_REGEN;
+ } else {
+ sprop->shape = ++cx->runtime->shapeGen;
+ JS_ASSERT(sprop->shape != 0);
+ }
+ liveCount++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Ok, sprop is garbage to collect: unlink it from its parent. */
+ freeChunk = RemovePropertyTreeChild(rt, sprop);
+ /*
+ * Take care to reparent all sprop's kids to their grandparent.
+ * InsertPropertyTreeChild can potentially fail for two reasons:
+ *
+ * 1. If parent is null, insertion into the root property hash
+ * table may fail. We are forced to leave the kid out of the
+ * table (as can already happen with duplicates) but ensure
+ * that the kid's parent pointer is set to null.
+ *
+ * 2. If parent is non-null, allocation of a new KidsChunk can
+ * fail. To prevent this from happening, we allow sprops's own
+ * chunks to be reused by the grandparent, which removes the
+ * need for InsertPropertyTreeChild to malloc a new KidsChunk.
+ *
+ * If sprop does not have chunky kids, then we rely on the
+ * RemovePropertyTreeChild call above (which removed sprop from
+ * its parent) either leaving one free entry, or else returning
+ * the now-unused chunk to us so we can reuse it.
+ *
+ * We also require the grandparent to have either no kids or else
+ * chunky kids. A single non-chunky kid would force a new chunk to
+ * be malloced in some cases (if sprop had a single non-chunky
+ * kid, or a multiple of MAX_KIDS_PER_CHUNK kids). Note that
+ * RemovePropertyTreeChild never converts a single-entry chunky
+ * kid back to a non-chunky kid, so we are assured of correct
+ * behaviour.
+ */
+ kids = sprop->kids;
+ if (kids) {
+ sprop->kids = NULL;
+ parent = sprop->parent;
+ /* Assert that grandparent has no kids or chunky kids. */
+ JS_ASSERT(!parent || !parent->kids ||
+ KIDS_IS_CHUNKY(parent->kids));
+ if (KIDS_IS_CHUNKY(kids)) {
+ chunk = KIDS_TO_CHUNK(kids);
+ do {
+ nextChunk = chunk->next;
+ chunk->next = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_KIDS_PER_CHUNK; i++) {
+ kid = chunk->kids[i];
+ if (!kid)
+ break;
+ JS_ASSERT(kid->parent == sprop);
+ /*
+ * Clear a space in the kids array for possible
+ * re-use by InsertPropertyTreeChild.
+ */
+ chunk->kids[i] = NULL;
+ if (!InsertPropertyTreeChild(rt, parent, kid,
+ chunk)) {
+ /*
+ * This can happen only if we failed to add an
+ * entry to the root property hash table.
+ */
+ JS_ASSERT(!parent);
+ kid->parent = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!chunk->kids[0]) {
+ /* The chunk wasn't reused, so we must free it. */
+ DestroyPropTreeKidsChunk(rt, chunk);
+ }
+ } while ((chunk = nextChunk) != NULL);
+ } else {
+ kid = kids;
+ if (!InsertPropertyTreeChild(rt, parent, kid, freeChunk)) {
+ /*
+ * This can happen only if we failed to add an entry
+ * to the root property hash table.
+ */
+ JS_ASSERT(!parent);
+ kid->parent = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (freeChunk && !freeChunk->kids[0]) {
+ /* The chunk wasn't reused, so we must free it. */
+ DestroyPropTreeKidsChunk(rt, freeChunk);
+ }
+ /* Clear id so we know (above) that sprop is on the freelist. */
+ sprop->id = JSVAL_NULL;
+ FREENODE_INSERT(rt->propertyFreeList, sprop);
+ JS_RUNTIME_UNMETER(rt, livePropTreeNodes);
+ }
+ /* If a contains no live properties, return it to the malloc heap. */
+ if (liveCount == 0) {
+ for (sprop = (JSScopeProperty *) a->base; sprop < limit; sprop++)
+ JS_ARENA_DESTROY(&rt->propertyArenaPool, a, ap);
+ } else {
+ livePropCapacity += limit - (JSScopeProperty *) a->base;
+ totalLiveCount += liveCount;
+ ap = &a->next;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(logfp, "arenautil %g%%\n",
+ (totalLiveCount && livePropCapacity)
+ ? (totalLiveCount * 100.0) / livePropCapacity
+ : 0.0);
+#define RATE(f1, f2) (((double)js_scope_stats.f1 / js_scope_stats.f2) * 100.0)
+ fprintf(logfp, "Scope search stats:\n"
+ " searches: %6u\n"
+ " hits: %6u %5.2f%% of searches\n"
+ " misses: %6u %5.2f%%\n"
+ " hashes: %6u %5.2f%%\n"
+ " steps: %6u %5.2f%% %5.2f%% of hashes\n"
+ " stepHits: %6u %5.2f%% %5.2f%%\n"
+ " stepMisses: %6u %5.2f%% %5.2f%%\n"
+ " adds: %6u\n"
+ " redundantAdds: %6u\n"
+ " addFailures: %6u\n"
+ " changeFailures: %6u\n"
+ " compresses: %6u\n"
+ " grows: %6u\n"
+ " removes: %6u\n"
+ " removeFrees: %6u\n"
+ " uselessRemoves: %6u\n"
+ " shrinks: %6u\n",
+ js_scope_stats.searches,
+ js_scope_stats.hits, RATE(hits, searches),
+ js_scope_stats.misses, RATE(misses, searches),
+ js_scope_stats.hashes, RATE(hashes, searches),
+ js_scope_stats.steps, RATE(steps, searches), RATE(steps, hashes),
+ js_scope_stats.stepHits,
+ RATE(stepHits, searches), RATE(stepHits, hashes),
+ js_scope_stats.stepMisses,
+ RATE(stepMisses, searches), RATE(stepMisses, hashes),
+ js_scope_stats.adds,
+ js_scope_stats.redundantAdds,
+ js_scope_stats.addFailures,
+ js_scope_stats.changeFailures,
+ js_scope_stats.compresses,
+ js_scope_stats.grows,
+ js_scope_stats.removes,
+ js_scope_stats.removeFrees,
+ js_scope_stats.uselessRemoves,
+ js_scope_stats.shrinks);
+#undef RATE
+ fflush(logfp);
+ {
+ FILE *dumpfp = fopen("/tmp/proptree.dump", "w");
+ if (dumpfp) {
+ JSPropertyTreeEntry *pte, *end;
+ pte = (JSPropertyTreeEntry *) rt->propertyTreeHash.entryStore;
+ end = pte + JS_DHASH_TABLE_SIZE(&rt->propertyTreeHash);
+ while (pte < end) {
+ if (pte->child)
+ DumpSubtree(cx, pte->child, 0, dumpfp);
+ pte++;
+ }
+ fclose(dumpfp);
+ }
+ }
+js_InitPropertyTree(JSRuntime *rt)
+ if (!JS_DHashTableInit(&rt->propertyTreeHash, &PropertyTreeHashOps, NULL,
+ sizeof(JSPropertyTreeEntry), JS_DHASH_MIN_SIZE)) {
+ rt->propertyTreeHash.ops = NULL;
+ return JS_FALSE;
+ }
+ JS_INIT_ARENA_POOL(&rt->propertyArenaPool, "properties",
+ 256 * sizeof(JSScopeProperty), sizeof(void *), NULL);
+ return JS_TRUE;
+js_FinishPropertyTree(JSRuntime *rt)
+ if (rt->propertyTreeHash.ops) {
+ JS_DHashTableFinish(&rt->propertyTreeHash);
+ rt->propertyTreeHash.ops = NULL;
+ }
+ JS_FinishArenaPool(&rt->propertyArenaPool);