path: root/meta/recipes-core
diff options
authorRoss Burton <>2015-11-25 21:42:34 +0000
committerRichard Purdie <>2015-12-01 21:31:03 +0000
commitf24baa73863258dbdac69cc5e235d3ce8d060cd6 (patch)
treeef2f841c04a7adb1e20a550ccfe68a6ab72a7146 /meta/recipes-core
parent5ca6bb9b73bf09c1847ec3e5a7477829bd3d77b5 (diff)
libxml2: merge pointless bb/inc split
Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/recipes-core')
2 files changed, 80 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/
deleted file mode 100644
index 416ce73fab..0000000000
--- a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-SUMMARY = "XML C Parser Library and Toolkit"
-DESCRIPTION = "The XML Parser Library allows for manipulation of XML files. Libxml2 exports Push and Pull type parser interfaces for both XML and HTML. It can do DTD validation at parse time, on a parsed document instance or with an arbitrary DTD. Libxml2 includes complete XPath, XPointer and Xinclude implementations. It also has a SAX like interface, which is designed to be compatible with Expat."
-SECTION = "libs"
-LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://Copyright;md5=2044417e2e5006b65a8b9067b683fcf1 \
- file://hash.c;beginline=6;endline=15;md5=96f7296605eae807670fb08947829969 \
- file://list.c;beginline=4;endline=13;md5=cdbfa3dee51c099edb04e39f762ee907 \
- file://trio.c;beginline=5;endline=14;md5=6c025753c86d958722ec76e94cae932e"
-DEPENDS =+ "zlib"
-SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz;name=libtar \
- file://libxml-64bit.patch \
- file://ansidecl.patch \
- file://runtest.patch \
- file://run-ptest \
- file://libxml2-CVE-2014-0191-fix.patch \
- file://python-sitepackages-dir.patch \
- file://libxml-m4-use-pkgconfig.patch \
- file:// \
- file://0001-CVE-2015-1819-Enforce-the-reader-to-run-in-constant-.patch \
- file://CVE-2015-7942.patch \
- file://CVE-2015-8035.patch \
- "
-BINCONFIG = "${bindir}/xml2-config"
-inherit autotools pkgconfig binconfig-disabled pythonnative ptest
-RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest += "python-core"
-RDEPENDS_${PN}-python += "python-core"
-RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest_append_libc-glibc += "glibc-gconv-ebcdic-us glibc-gconv-ibm1141"
-# We don't DEPEND on binutils for ansidecl.h so ensure we don't use the header
-do_configure_prepend () {
- sed -i -e '/.*ansidecl.h.*/d' ${S}/
-PACKAGECONFIG ??= "python"
-PACKAGECONFIG[python] = "--with-python=${PYTHON},--without-python,python"
-# WARNING: zlib is require for RPM use
-EXTRA_OECONF = "--without-debug --without-legacy --with-catalog --without-docbook --with-c14n --without-lzma --with-fexceptions"
-EXTRA_OECONF_class-native = "--without-legacy --without-docbook --with-c14n --without-lzma --with-zlib"
-EXTRA_OECONF_class-nativesdk = "--without-legacy --without-docbook --with-c14n --without-lzma --with-zlib"
-EXTRA_OECONF_linuxstdbase = "--with-debug --with-legacy --with-docbook --with-c14n --without-lzma --with-zlib"
-# required for pythong binding
-export HOST_SYS
-export BUILD_SYS
-python populate_packages_prepend () {
- # autonamer would call this libxml2-2, but we don't want that
- if d.getVar('DEBIAN_NAMES', True):
- d.setVar('PKG_libxml2', '${MLPREFIX}libxml2')
-PACKAGES += "${PN}-utils ${PN}-python"
-FILES_${PN}-staticdev += "${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/*.a"
-FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/ ${libdir}/cmake/*"
-FILES_${PN}-utils += "${bindir}/*"
-do_install_ptest () {
- cp -r ${WORKDIR}/xmlconf ${D}${PTEST_PATH}
-BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/
index 79a395cea1..ebb9fa700c 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/
@@ -1,11 +1,86 @@
+SUMMARY = "XML C Parser Library and Toolkit"
+DESCRIPTION = "The XML Parser Library allows for manipulation of XML files. Libxml2 exports Push and Pull type parser interfaces for both XML and HTML. It can do DTD validation at parse time, on a parsed document instance or with an arbitrary DTD. Libxml2 includes complete XPath, XPointer and Xinclude implementations. It also has a SAX like interface, which is designed to be compatible with Expat."
+SECTION = "libs"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://Copyright;md5=2044417e2e5006b65a8b9067b683fcf1 \
+ file://hash.c;beginline=6;endline=15;md5=96f7296605eae807670fb08947829969 \
+ file://list.c;beginline=4;endline=13;md5=cdbfa3dee51c099edb04e39f762ee907 \
+ file://trio.c;beginline=5;endline=14;md5=6c025753c86d958722ec76e94cae932e"
-SRC_URI += ";name=testtar \
- file://72a46a519ce7326d9a00f0b6a7f2a8e958cd1675.patch \
- file://0001-threads-Define-pthread-definitions-for-glibc-complia.patch \
- "
+DEPENDS =+ "zlib"
+SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz;name=libtar \
+ file://libxml-64bit.patch \
+ file://ansidecl.patch \
+ file://runtest.patch \
+ file://run-ptest \
+ file://libxml2-CVE-2014-0191-fix.patch \
+ file://python-sitepackages-dir.patch \
+ file://libxml-m4-use-pkgconfig.patch \
+ file:// \
+ file://0001-CVE-2015-1819-Enforce-the-reader-to-run-in-constant-.patch \
+ file://CVE-2015-7942.patch \
+ file://CVE-2015-8035.patch \
+;name=testtar \
+ file://72a46a519ce7326d9a00f0b6a7f2a8e958cd1675.patch \
+ file://0001-threads-Define-pthread-definitions-for-glibc-complia.patch \
+ "
SRC_URI[libtar.md5sum] = "9e6a9aca9d155737868b3dc5fd82f788"
SRC_URI[libtar.sha256sum] = "5178c30b151d044aefb1b08bf54c3003a0ac55c59c866763997529d60770d5bc"
SRC_URI[testtar.md5sum] = "ae3d1ebe000a3972afa104ca7f0e1b4a"
SRC_URI[testtar.sha256sum] = "96151685cec997e1f9f3387e3626d61e6284d4d6e66e0e440c209286c03e9cc7"
+BINCONFIG = "${bindir}/xml2-config"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig binconfig-disabled pythonnative ptest
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest += "python-core"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-python += "python-core"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest_append_libc-glibc += "glibc-gconv-ebcdic-us glibc-gconv-ibm1141"
+# We don't DEPEND on binutils for ansidecl.h so ensure we don't use the header
+do_configure_prepend () {
+ sed -i -e '/.*ansidecl.h.*/d' ${S}/
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "python"
+PACKAGECONFIG[python] = "--with-python=${PYTHON},--without-python,python"
+# WARNING: zlib is require for RPM use
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--without-debug --without-legacy --with-catalog --without-docbook --with-c14n --without-lzma --with-fexceptions"
+EXTRA_OECONF_class-native = "--without-legacy --without-docbook --with-c14n --without-lzma --with-zlib"
+EXTRA_OECONF_class-nativesdk = "--without-legacy --without-docbook --with-c14n --without-lzma --with-zlib"
+EXTRA_OECONF_linuxstdbase = "--with-debug --with-legacy --with-docbook --with-c14n --without-lzma --with-zlib"
+# required for pythong binding
+export HOST_SYS
+export BUILD_SYS
+python populate_packages_prepend () {
+ # autonamer would call this libxml2-2, but we don't want that
+ if d.getVar('DEBIAN_NAMES', True):
+ d.setVar('PKG_libxml2', '${MLPREFIX}libxml2')
+PACKAGES += "${PN}-utils ${PN}-python"
+FILES_${PN}-staticdev += "${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/*.a"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/ ${libdir}/cmake/*"
+FILES_${PN}-utils += "${bindir}/*"
+do_install_ptest () {
+ cp -r ${WORKDIR}/xmlconf ${D}${PTEST_PATH}
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"