path: root/recipes/sudo/sudo.inc
diff options
authorCliff Brake <cbrake@bec-systems.com>2010-11-12 00:00:20 -0500
committerCliff Brake <cbrake@bec-systems.com>2010-11-12 00:00:20 -0500
commit3c6efe8f8abc16668ca5e9cdf7a46665dac87172 (patch)
tree642c13416b99e80f0871cdc6668e832e635dfb48 /recipes/sudo/sudo.inc
parentc400c874f2ac9233b8a43a73309b6e7907289c54 (diff)
parent13fbe7253c95881ede787004a4c3a1c31502e5c6 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into testing-nexttested_2010-11-12testing
Diffstat (limited to 'recipes/sudo/sudo.inc')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
a id='n207' href='#n207'>207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295
# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

ROOTFS_LICENSE_DIR = "${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/share/common-licenses"

# This requires LICENSE_CREATE_PACKAGE=1 to work too
COMPLEMENTARY_GLOB[lic-pkgs] = "*-lic"

python() {
    if not oe.data.typed_value('LICENSE_CREATE_PACKAGE', d):
        features = set(oe.data.typed_value('IMAGE_FEATURES', d))
        if 'lic-pkgs' in features:
            bb.error("'lic-pkgs' in IMAGE_FEATURES but LICENSE_CREATE_PACKAGE not enabled to generate -lic packages")

python write_package_manifest() {
    # Get list of installed packages
    license_image_dir = d.expand('${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${IMAGE_NAME}')
    from oe.rootfs import image_list_installed_packages
    from oe.utils import format_pkg_list

    pkgs = image_list_installed_packages(d)
    output = format_pkg_list(pkgs)
    with open(os.path.join(license_image_dir, 'package.manifest'), "w+") as package_manifest:

python license_create_manifest() {
    import oe.packagedata
    from oe.rootfs import image_list_installed_packages

    build_images_from_feeds = d.getVar('BUILD_IMAGES_FROM_FEEDS')
    if build_images_from_feeds == "1":
        return 0

    pkg_dic = {}
    for pkg in sorted(image_list_installed_packages(d)):
        pkg_info = os.path.join(d.getVar('PKGDATA_DIR'),
                                'runtime-reverse', pkg)
        pkg_name = os.path.basename(os.readlink(pkg_info))

        pkg_dic[pkg_name] = oe.packagedata.read_pkgdatafile(pkg_info)
        if not "LICENSE" in pkg_dic[pkg_name].keys():
            pkg_lic_name = "LICENSE:" + pkg_name
            pkg_dic[pkg_name]["LICENSE"] = pkg_dic[pkg_name][pkg_lic_name]

    rootfs_license_manifest = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY'),
                        d.getVar('IMAGE_NAME'), 'license.manifest')
    write_license_files(d, rootfs_license_manifest, pkg_dic, rootfs=True)

def write_license_files(d, license_manifest, pkg_dic, rootfs=True):
    import re
    import stat

    bad_licenses = (d.getVar("INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE") or "").split()
    bad_licenses = expand_wildcard_licenses(d, bad_licenses)

    exceptions = (d.getVar("INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE_EXCEPTIONS") or "").split()
    with open(license_manifest, "w") as license_file:
        for pkg in sorted(pkg_dic):
            remaining_bad_licenses = oe.license.apply_pkg_license_exception(pkg, bad_licenses, exceptions)
            incompatible_licenses = incompatible_pkg_license(d, remaining_bad_licenses, pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSE"])
            if incompatible_licenses:
                bb.fatal("Package %s cannot be installed into the image because it has incompatible license(s): %s" %(pkg, ' '.join(incompatible_licenses)))
                incompatible_licenses = incompatible_pkg_license(d, bad_licenses, pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSE"])
                if incompatible_licenses:
                    oe.qa.handle_error('license-incompatible', "Including %s with incompatible license(s) %s into the image, because it has been allowed by exception list." %(pkg, ' '.join(incompatible_licenses)), d)
                (pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSE"], pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSES"]) = \
                    remaining_bad_licenses, canonical_license, d)
            except oe.license.LicenseError as exc:
                bb.fatal('%s: %s' % (d.getVar('P'), exc))

            if not "IMAGE_MANIFEST" in pkg_dic[pkg]:
                # Rootfs manifest
                license_file.write("PACKAGE NAME: %s\n" % pkg)
                license_file.write("PACKAGE VERSION: %s\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["PV"])
                license_file.write("RECIPE NAME: %s\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["PN"])
                license_file.write("LICENSE: %s\n\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSE"])

                # If the package doesn't contain any file, that is, its size is 0, the license
                # isn't relevant as far as the final image is concerned. So doing license check
                # doesn't make much sense, skip it.
                if pkg_dic[pkg]["PKGSIZE:%s" % pkg] == "0":
                # Image manifest
                license_file.write("RECIPE NAME: %s\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["PN"])
                license_file.write("VERSION: %s\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["PV"])
                license_file.write("LICENSE: %s\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSE"])
                license_file.write("FILES: %s\n\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["FILES"])

            for lic in pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSES"]:
                lic_file = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY'),
                                        pkg_dic[pkg]["PN"], "generic_%s" % 
                                        re.sub(r'\+', '', lic))
                # add explicity avoid of CLOSED license because isn't generic
                if lic == "CLOSED":

                if not os.path.exists(lic_file):
                                       "The license listed %s was not in the "\
                                       "licenses collected for recipe %s"
                                       % (lic, pkg_dic[pkg]["PN"]), d)

    # Two options here:
    # - Just copy the manifest
    # - Copy the manifest and the license directories
    # With both options set we see a .5 M increase in core-image-minimal
    copy_lic_manifest = d.getVar('COPY_LIC_MANIFEST')
    copy_lic_dirs = d.getVar('COPY_LIC_DIRS')
    if rootfs and copy_lic_manifest == "1":
        rootfs_license_dir = d.getVar('ROOTFS_LICENSE_DIR')
        rootfs_license_manifest = os.path.join(rootfs_license_dir,
        if not os.path.exists(rootfs_license_manifest):
            oe.path.copyhardlink(license_manifest, rootfs_license_manifest)

        if copy_lic_dirs == "1":
            for pkg in sorted(pkg_dic):
                pkg_rootfs_license_dir = os.path.join(rootfs_license_dir, pkg)
                pkg_license_dir = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY'),

                pkg_manifest_licenses = [canonical_license(d, lic) \
                        for lic in pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSES"]]

                licenses = os.listdir(pkg_license_dir)
                for lic in licenses:
                    pkg_license = os.path.join(pkg_license_dir, lic)
                    pkg_rootfs_license = os.path.join(pkg_rootfs_license_dir, lic)

                    if re.match(r"^generic_.*$", lic):
                        generic_lic = canonical_license(d,
                                re.search(r"^generic_(.*)$", lic).group(1))

                        # Do not copy generic license into package if isn't
                        # declared into LICENSES of the package.
                        if not re.sub(r'\+$', '', generic_lic) in \
                                [re.sub(r'\+', '', lic) for lic in \

                        if oe.license.license_ok(generic_lic,
                                bad_licenses) == False:

                        # Make sure we use only canonical name for the license file
                        generic_lic_file = "generic_%s" % generic_lic
                        rootfs_license = os.path.join(rootfs_license_dir, generic_lic_file)
                        if not os.path.exists(rootfs_license):
                            oe.path.copyhardlink(pkg_license, rootfs_license)

                        if not os.path.exists(pkg_rootfs_license):
                            os.symlink(os.path.join('..', generic_lic_file), pkg_rootfs_license)
                        if (oe.license.license_ok(canonical_license(d,
                                lic), bad_licenses) == False or

                        oe.path.copyhardlink(pkg_license, pkg_rootfs_license)
            # Fixup file ownership and permissions
            for walkroot, dirs, files in os.walk(rootfs_license_dir):
                for f in files:
                    p = os.path.join(walkroot, f)
                    os.lchown(p, 0, 0)
                    if not os.path.islink(p):
                        os.chmod(p, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
                for dir in dirs:
                    p = os.path.join(walkroot, dir)
                    os.lchown(p, 0, 0)
                    os.chmod(p, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH)

def license_deployed_manifest(d):
    Write the license manifest for the deployed recipes.
    The deployed recipes usually includes the bootloader
    and extra files to boot the target.

    dep_dic = {}
    man_dic = {}
    lic_dir = d.getVar("LICENSE_DIRECTORY")

    dep_dic = get_deployed_dependencies(d)
    for dep in dep_dic.keys():
        man_dic[dep] = {}
        # It is necessary to mark this will be used for image manifest
        man_dic[dep]["IMAGE_MANIFEST"] = True
        man_dic[dep]["PN"] = dep
        man_dic[dep]["FILES"] = \
            " ".join(get_deployed_files(dep_dic[dep]))
        with open(os.path.join(lic_dir, dep, "recipeinfo"), "r") as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                key,val = line.split(": ", 1)
                man_dic[dep][key] = val[:-1]

    lic_manifest_dir = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY'),
    image_license_manifest = os.path.join(lic_manifest_dir, 'image_license.manifest')
    write_license_files(d, image_license_manifest, man_dic, rootfs=False)

    link_name = d.getVar('IMAGE_LINK_NAME')
    if link_name:
        lic_manifest_symlink_dir = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY'),
        # remove old symlink
        if os.path.islink(lic_manifest_symlink_dir):

        # create the image dir symlink
        if lic_manifest_dir != lic_manifest_symlink_dir:
            os.symlink(lic_manifest_dir, lic_manifest_symlink_dir)

def get_deployed_dependencies(d):
    Get all the deployed dependencies of an image

    deploy = {}
    # Get all the dependencies for the current task (rootfs).
    taskdata = d.getVar("BB_TASKDEPDATA", False)
    pn = d.getVar("PN", True)
    depends = list(set([dep[0] for dep
                    in list(taskdata.values())
                    if not dep[0].endswith("-native") and not dep[0] == pn]))

    # To verify what was deployed it checks the rootfs dependencies against
    # the SSTATE_MANIFESTS for "deploy" task.
    # The manifest file name contains the arch. Because we are not running
    # in the recipe context it is necessary to check every arch used.
    sstate_manifest_dir = d.getVar("SSTATE_MANIFESTS")
    archs = list(set(d.getVar("SSTATE_ARCHS").split()))
    for dep in depends:
        for arch in archs:
            sstate_manifest_file = os.path.join(sstate_manifest_dir,
                    "manifest-%s-%s.deploy" % (arch, dep))
            if os.path.exists(sstate_manifest_file):
                deploy[dep] = sstate_manifest_file

    return deploy
get_deployed_dependencies[vardepsexclude] = "BB_TASKDEPDATA"

def get_deployed_files(man_file):
    Get the files deployed from the sstate manifest

    dep_files = []
    excluded_files = []
    with open(man_file, "r") as manifest:
        all_files = manifest.read()
    for f in all_files.splitlines():
        if ((not (os.path.islink(f) or os.path.isdir(f))) and
                not os.path.basename(f) in excluded_files):
    return dep_files

ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND:prepend = "write_package_manifest; license_create_manifest; "
do_rootfs[recrdeptask] += "do_populate_lic"

python do_populate_lic_deploy() {

addtask populate_lic_deploy before do_build after do_image_complete
do_populate_lic_deploy[recrdeptask] += "do_populate_lic do_deploy"

python license_qa_dead_symlink() {
    import os

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(d.getVar('ROOTFS_LICENSE_DIR')):
        for file in files:
            full_path = root + "/" + file
            if os.path.islink(full_path) and not os.path.exists(full_path):
                bb.error("broken symlink: " + full_path)
IMAGE_QA_COMMANDS += "license_qa_dead_symlink"